
To order this 480+ page report, which features 237 figuresand 267 tables, please visit this -
Key Market Insights
§ Over 115 companies located in various regions across theglobe claim to provide contract fill / finish services for various types ofbiopharmaceutical drug / therapy products
§ The market landscape features a mix of both establishedplayers and new entrants; multiple biologics fill / finish service providersbased in developed geographies have already adopted advanced fill / finishtechnologies
§ Vials represent the most prominentform of packaging used for biopharmaceutical interventions; with increasingdemand for self-administration devices, syringes have also garnered significantattention
§ In fact, to acquire competencies across the value chain,stakeholders have actively invested in expanding their existing infrastructureand capabilities to cater to the evolving needs of both indigenous andinternational clients
§ Over the past six years, the fill /finish services domain has also witnessed significant partnership activity,with companies building strategic business relationships to consolidate theirpositions in the market
§ The outcome of consolidation is evident from ourproprietary competitiveness analysis, based on several relevant parametershighlighting service and supplier strengths
§ Presently, the installed global contract fill / finishcapacity, across various geographies, is estimated to be over 17 million units(in term of packaging containers)
§ The demand for contract fill / finish services forbiologics is expected to increase in the coming years; it is likely thatstakeholders will have to expand their respective capacities to ensureconsistent supply
§ We expect biopharmaceutical developers to continue tooutsource their fill / finish operations in the short to mid-term, resulting inan annualized growth rate of more than 10%
§ In the long-term, the projected opportunity is anticipatedto be well distributed across various types of primary packaging, biologicalinterventions and target disease indications
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Contact Details
Gaurav Chaudhary
+1 (415) 800 3415