
RAND State Statistics contains a large number of related databases to SDOH, often with greater detail. See the Related Databases links on this form.
Social Determinants of Health
This database contains more than 300 categories of data related to Social Determinants of Health (SDOH). Categories are organzied across 17 groups (or parent categories), including:
- Citizenship and Language
- Education and Technology
- Employment
- Environment
- Family Structure
- Food and Other Environment
- Health Conditions
- Health Facilities
- Health Insurance
- Health Providers
- Housing
- Income and Poverty
- Segregation
- Social Vulnerability Index
- Transportation
- Veterans
- Violent Crime.
Data are not available for some areas. State and county averages reflect the unweighted average of reported values only, i.e., NA values are excluded. Zip codes reported reflect Zip Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTA), which are different from ZIP Codes used by the U.S. Postal Service. Some sources for this database report zip code rather than ZCTA; values for these variables are reported only where the zip code and ZCTA values are the same. For additional information on ZCTAs, see