
Brian Kowal law has built a solid reputationfor offering good legal counsel to the real estate construction industry overthe last ten years. The firm has developed all office towers, mixed-usefacilities, residential designs, retail projects, multi-family residentialprojects, and industrial and warehouse sites. We are normally able to supportour clients in the due diligence process of deciding the viability of aproject, offering legal counsel for the purchase or selling of a project, andproviding guidance concerning funding, design, and creation of a specificproject through becoming interested early in the project.
The Firm is proud to serve a host of globalfinancial firms with their business and residential financing needs. Evictionlawyer Broward County are particularly involved in negotiating thenecessary documents for securing properties such as property investment,private possessions, stock, and other physical and intellectual assets. TheFirm also acts as a title dealer for these financial firms, offering titleprotection in conjunction with those purchases.
ToxicMold Representation
Fresh fears regarding toxic mold have recentlyarisen, leading to a rise in fear in many homes and companies. Stachybotrys ormycotoxins are other names for this actually dangerous toxic mold, which mayhave significant health consequences. Mold exposure is becoming a problem thatnecessitates the expertise of some competent lawyers. Attorneys like Eviction lawyer Broward Countywho are experienced with real estate and building matters, as well aspersonal injuries best handle mold-related cases.
WhyBrian Kowal Law |Qualified Real Estate Attorneys
Brian Kowal Law has been active in commercial property and construction-relatedtopics, as well as private injury-related matters, over the last years. We arealso using our services to provide homebuilders with the necessary advice andknowledge to ensure that anytime a leak or water seepage problem occurs, it isadequately handled, and the risk of mold-related liability and damage isreduced. Our Firm is prepared to investigate situations when architects havenot adequately constructed buildings, enabling moisture to seep into thebuilding and enabling mold spores to grow, in order to safeguard the customer.The company also found a number of consultants and specialists who are willingto collaborate with the business in order to resolve mold-related personalinjuries.
Brian Kowal Lawis based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, with easy highway connections to helpsupport our property investment clients. Please contact Eviction lawyer Broward County if you have any questionsregarding real estate and personal injuries matters.