![How to activate Webroot Antivirus](
How to activate Webroot Antivirus
Webroot antivirus is a anti malware utility which was developed by Webroot software which has a antivirus detection engine to keep the system safe. Webroot is considered as the safest and powerful cloud security solution which ensures to keep your data safe. User have enjoyed the service offered by the software, now there has been an issue where user is not able to activate their Webroot antivirus. We have mentioned couple of steps below which will allow user to active their Webroot antivirus.
· First user will have to load their Secure Anywhere interface.
· Next click on the Webroot Secure anywhere icon from the drop down menu.
· In the main window locate for e gear icon and click on it to enter My account.
· User will have to then enter their new key code inthe box to the right.
With the following step user will be able to activate Webroot antivirus. If there are other issues related with Webroot antivirus than feel free to give us a call at our Webroot Customer Care Number 1-855-617-9111.