
We have successfully copied thousands of this handmade painting?(Edmund Blair Leighton The Accolade) Reproductions, in various sizes and frames, many of them are printed on the market, however, We used ordinary non-HD linen, so this oil painting is 100% hand-painted
Edmund Blair Leighton The Accolade Paintings for sale
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Attention Please :To ensure frame safety in transit,The frame length of each side can not be longer than 36inches!
The Accolade is a painting by British artist Edmund Leighton. It is one of many paintings produced by Leighton in the 1900s on the subject of chivalry, with others including Edmund Blair Leighton God Speed (1901) and Edmund Blair Leighton The Dedication (1908). It has been described as among Leighton's best known works and one of the most recognizable paintings of the period. Contents