
To order this detailed 320+ page report, please visit this -
Key Inclusions
§ A detailed assessment of the current market landscape ofcompanies offering companion diagnostics services, including information on thetype of services offered, type of analytical technique used and regulatorycertifications / accreditations, and other company-specific details (such asyear of establishment, company size and geographical location).
§ Tabulated profiles of companion diagnostics serviceproviders (shortlisted on the basis of the number of services offered),featuring an overview of the company, its financial information (if available),and companion diagnostics-related service portfolio details. In addition, eachprofile includes a list of the likely strategies that may be adopted by theseplayers to support future growth.
§ An analysis of the partnerships and collaborationspertaining to companion diagnostics services from 2017 to 2019, featuring adetailed set of analyses based on various parameters, such as the type ofpartnership, year of partnership, analytical technique used and the most activeplayers.
§ A list of stakeholders generated based on a detailedanalysis of a set of relevant parameters (namely number of clinical trialssponsored by a developer and the time to market for proprietary personalizedmedicine products), which are anticipated to partner with companion diagnosticsservices providers in the foreseen future.
§ A detailed competitiveness analysis of companiondiagnostics services providers, taking into consideration the supplier power(based on the year of establishment of developer) and key specifications, suchas portfolio strength, type of available technology platform, number of dealssigned between 2017-2019.
§ A comparative analysis of the needs of differentstakeholders (drug developers, diagnostic developers, testing laboratories,physicians, payers and patients) involved in this domain.
§ A discussion on various steps of the developmentoperations, namely research and development, clinical assessment of theproduct, manufacturing and assembly, payer negotiation and marketing / salesactivities, of a companion diagnostic and the cost requirements across each ofthe aforementioned stages.
§ An analysis of completed, ongoing and planned clinicaltrials featuring disease-specific biomarkers. The analysis highlights the keytrends associated with these clinical studies across various parameters, suchas trial start year, trial status, phase of development, key indications, typeof therapy, biomarkers evaluated, enrolled patient population and regionaldistribution of trials.
§ A detailed market forecast, featuring analysis of thecurrent and projected future opportunity across key market segments (listedbelow)
- Type of Services
§ Feasibility Studies
§ Assay Development
§ Analytical Validation
§ Clinical Validation
§ Manufacturing
- Type of Analytical Technique
§ in situ hybridization / Immunohistochemistry
§ Next Generation Sequencing
§ Polymerase Chain Reaction
§ Others
- Key Geographical Region
§ North America
§ Europe
§ Asia-Pacific and the Rest of World
Transcripts of interviews held with the following seniorlevel representatives of stakeholder companies
§ Anton Iliuk (President, Chief Technology Officer TymoraAnalytical Operations)
§ Paul Kortschak (Senior Vice President, Novodiax)
§ Pablo Ortiz (Chief Executive Officer, OWL Metabolomics)
§ Lawrence M. Weiss (Chief Scientific Officer, NeoGenomicsLaboratories)
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Key Questions Answered
§ Who are the key players that provide services for thedevelopment of companion diagnostics?
§ What kind of partnership models are commonly adopted bystakeholders in this domain?
§ Whatare the various initiatives undertaken by big pharma players in thisdomain?
§ Whatare cost requirements across each of the development stages of a companiondiagnostics test?
§ Whichdeveloper companies are likely to partner with service provider entities in theforeseen future?
§ Whatare the current and long-term needs of different stakeholders involved in thisdomain?
§ How is the current and future market opportunity likely tobe distributed across key market segments?
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