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joined at 3 years ago

    Things you must know about NDPS act?

    There were no drug laws in India until 1985 when the NDPS Act got passed. A...

    • pratibha11

    Delhi woman ‘raped, brutally, A Glimpse of Nirbhaya cas...

    A 38-year-old woman from Delhi was allegedly gang-raped and assaulted by a...

    • pratibha11

    Tips to Find Best Real Estate Law Firms in Mumbai

    There are numerous opportunities available for real estate investors. But t...

    • pratibha11

    What PESA Act Represents and What is the Main Motive Be...

    PESA act

    • pratibha11

    The Importance Of Lawyer Listing

    By increasing your firm's visibility to potential clients, being featured i...

    • pratibha11

    Applicability Of Workmen Compensation Act 1923

    One of the most important pieces of social security law is the Workmen Comp...

    • pratibha11