Name pooja basmunge
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Location pune
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CMI has around 150+ analysts working in various sub-verticals, and 50+ functional full time team members. In addition to this, the company has contract consultants in 24 countries working across the various industry verticals.

joined at 4 years ago

    Synthetic Rope Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Rep...

    Synthetic ropes are made from fibers that are man-made textiles, which are...

    • poojab

    Bone Marrow Transplant Market – Industry Trends and For...

    Bone marrow transplant is a system to supplant harmed or annihilated bone m...

    • poojab

    Antibacterial Drugs Market Trends, Analysis, Growth, An...

    Antibacterial drugs are majorly used in treatment and prevention of infecti...

    • poojab

    Orthopedic Trauma Devices Market Size, Share & Trends A...

    Orthopedic trauma is an extreme physical issue of outer muscle framework th...

    • poojab

    When mammography techniques alone are insufficient for...

    An automated breast ultrasound system is an analytic procedure that include...

    • poojab

    Non-invasive diabetes therapy has been on the rise in t...

    Non-invasive diabetes treatments are becoming well known with patients expe...

    • poojab

    Medical Claims Processing Services are growing more pop...

    Medical claims outsourcing has become a popular choice among healthcare pro...

    • poojab

    Radio Frequency Ablation Devices are sophisticated medi...

    Radio frequency ablation devices are used for radiofrequency laminectomy, w...

    • poojab

    VoIP Services is a protocol that allows users to carry...

    VoIP or Voice over Internet Protocol, is a new technology which enables use...

    • poojab

    Algae-based biofuels are gaining popularity as a domest...

    The word algae refers to a vast array of various organism from various phyl...

    • poojab

    Malaria Vaccines Market Growth, Share, Size, Trends and...

    Malaria is a sickness brought about by parasites that are sent to people th...

    • poojab

    Dengue Vaccines Market Share and Growth Analysis

    Dengue is a mosquito-borne irresistible sickness that influences people and...

    • poojab

    Bispecific Antibodies Market : Global Industry Trend An...

    Bispecific antibody (BsAb) is a counterfeit protein that is made out of pie...

    • poojab

    Alkaline Proteases Market Growth, Trends and Forecast

    Alkaline Proteases are a group of polysaccharides and peptides playing a si...

    • poojab

    Histology and Cytology are medical branches that are im...

    Histology and cytology seek to describe especially the structure of the tis...

    • poojab