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joined at 3 years ago

    Metaverse Trade Shows: Why They are a Hit

    No one can overlook the Metaverse hype these days since it is all over the...

    • Ivy Gay Avila

    Metaverse: How It Can Impact Events

    What is the impact of metaverse on virtual and hybrid events in the Philipp...

    • Ivy Gay Avila

    How To Handle a Large Number of Audiences in an Event?

    One of the most difficult challenges for event organizers is handling a lar...

    • Ivy Gay Avila

    Virtual Events in the Philippines: Making Better Decisi...

    In order for hybrid events to be successful, the hosts must know how to man...

    • Ivy Gay Avila

    How Can Your Business Benefit from Hybrid Events

    A leader in interactive event experiences in the Philippines, Waveplay Inte...

    • Ivy Gay Avila