Name Dr Prasad Umbarkar
Gender Male
Location Sangamner
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Dr. Prasad Umbarkar is one of the best Brain and Spine Specialists in Sangamner & Kopargaon Ahmednagar with vast clinical and surgical experience. He has completed his neurosurgical training and was awarded DNB (Diplomate National Board) by the National Board of Examinations, India.

joined at 2 years ago

    Spine Surgery in Sangamner | Spine Specialist - Dr. Pra...

    Looking for spine surgery in Sangamner or Kopargaon? Dr. Prasad Umbarkar is...

    • drprasadumbarkar

    Head Injury Treatment in Sangamner – Dr. Prasad Umbarka...

    A head injury is any type of damage to the brain, skull or scalp. It can ra...

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    Back Pain Treatment in Sangamner | Back Pain Specialist...

    Back Pain Treatment in Sangamner | Back Pain Specialist: Dr. Prasad Umbarka...

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    Paralysis Treatment in Sangamner | Paralysis Specialist...

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    What is the difference between chronic and acute back p...

    Many Indians suffer from acute and chronic back pain. Severe back pain usua...

    • drprasadumbarkar