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I am a professional essay writer, consultant, researcher and editor from past 10 years. Previously, before starting my career as an independent writer, I have worked as chief editor with a prominent news agency. I write on a varying range of themes, regarding politics, psychology, anthropology, marketing and finance.

joined at 4 years ago

    5 Techniques For Improving Academic Essay Writing Skill...

    Most specialists cling to a few guidelines to make a scholastic article. It...

    • BreeAndrea

    Basics of Writing An Effective Essay - Education Corner...

    Making an educational paper is a similar essentially like different papers....

    • BreeAndrea

    Best Transition Words for Your College Essay

    The objective of the reporters is to pass on their assessments and contempl...

    • BreeAndrea

    9 Techniques to Help Students Build Better Reading Skil...

    College Essay Writing Guide for students.

    • BreeAndrea

    2020 College Essay Topics for Students- Special Guide

    We have orchestrated first class of some novel subjects for your school pap...

    • BreeAndrea