
Torque Meter
If you are looking for the best quality Torque Meter to test your product quality, then we suggest that you go with Presto. Presto is one of the best and trusted testing instruments manufacturer in India. We believe that you be will delightfully surprise to see some of the latest innovations in both concept and design. We will be happy to supply this Torque Test equipment at your convenience.
Best Instrument for Torque Measurement
Presto Stantest, one of the leading manufacturer suppliers of the testing machine, offers the premium quality of Torque Testing Equipment. The instrument is best enough to measure the minimum and maximum strength required to open the caps of the bottles. The instrument offers highly precise results, as the highly skilled professionals keeping in mind the standards that are provided by standardization regulatory bodies designed it. For more information on torque testers,
Presto’s offers premium quality of Torque Tester testing instrument is best enough in measuring the minimum and maximum strength required to open the caps of the bottles. The instrument offers highly precise results, as the highly skilled professionals keeping in mind the standards that are provided by standardization regulatory bodies designed it.
Give us a call at +91 9210903903 or email us at to know the Torque Meter features and technical specification.