
Customs Declarations are a legal requirement for goods brought in or out of UK and Northern Ireland. Goods being brought into the country must be declared to customs on arrival, and goods being taken out of the country must be declared on departure. This is done both at the point of entry and exit.
The purpose of a customs declaration is to ensure that goods that are coming into the country are not being smuggled or intended for other purposes than those stated on the declaration form. It is also important to declare any goods that may be considered illegal under the laws of the UK, such as drugs and weapons. All declarations must be made accurately, and they should include all information requested. If a declaration is missing information, this can result in penalties and further delays, so it is imperative that people have accurate information before filling out the form.
P2P customs provide Customs Declarations in UK. The most entrusted Customs Declaration Company to get you covered. Because we are Competitively Priced, scalable to meet demands, and backed by tax experts. We do GB & ROI Imports and Exports, T1 / T2 Docs, TSS, PVN/GVMS, Traces/IPAFFS Submissions, and more. Visit our website or call us now to take advantage of our services!