
How can CCTV monitoring help improve security services?
CCTV cameras are a relatively new technology. And despite ethical limitations widely accepted as an extra set of eyes for security teams. A CCTV camera can be deployed while avoiding ethical concerns by a simple declaration of its presence. And be used as an effective deterrence in real-time. Modern-day cameras can be equipped with infrared filters, thermal and nighttime imaging tools, and even computer vision. Thus, it can be deployed for catering to a plethora of security needs.
A CCTV camera requires immense amounts of storage and ample processing capabilities to handle and make sense of the captured footage. Just a couple of years ago, most organizations didn't have these kinds of capabilities. But today the power is available on tap and not utilizing the same is rather foolish.
Surveillance under any circumstances
A CCTV monitoring system based on the requirements can be developed as a weatherproof one. thus, under any environmental condition, they can consistently perform. Thanks to the inferred nighttime and thermal optics, a CCTV camera can be used under heavy fog, heat, and even with physical obstacles in place. In the case of armored convoys, the visibility for the passengers is usually limited, but a CCTV camera can make sure this limitation never stands in the way of security.
Real-time threat detection
In the case of perimeter security, response time can depend on the number of boots on the ground and the area of a compound. A CCTV camera reduces this distance and requirements for active personnel. With a CCTV camera in place, guards can be deployed as soon as the threat is detected. And can be stopped even before the initiation of any propagation. Alarms play a crucial role in this real-time breach prevention. The very sound of a public alarm can instill fear and deter a breach from gaining ground.
● Criminal pattern detection
A crime if predicted with preciseness can be stopped in its tracks. CCTV monitoring systems equipped with cutting-edge monitoring and automation systems can help with the same. Over some time, unusual activities can be detected and recorded for analysis. And according to the results, the security teams can be kept ready for deployment. And prepared for preventing crimes involving elaborate and lengthy planning.
● Evidence gathering
Often criminals are allowed to escape justice due to the shortage of evidence. But with CCTV surveillance in place, any criminal can be prosecuted with remarkable efficacy. Even for crimes as minute as smoking on prohibited premises a criminal can be forced to face justice. That too with minimal chances of justice evasion.
● As an active deterrence
Just the declaration of CCTV surveillance can be an active deterrence. Many crimes and breaches depend on the absence of surveillance. And just having a set of eyes on the scene can alleviate criminal activities to a significant degree. In absence of biometrics, these cameras with NLP or facial recognition tech can spot a criminal or a vehicle from a mile away. And can prosecute them if not deterred in time!