
Change In WhatsApp Privacy Policy Will Improve Facebook Lead Quality? - Digital Mogli
Whatsapp has updated its privacypolicy recently andgiven a timeline to accept the same till February 8th, 2021. If we are notaccepting this privacy policy then we cant use WhatsApp further.
According to the new policy followinginformation will be collected by WhatsApp:
-App version
-ConnectionInformation (phone number, mobile operator, or ISP)
-Languageand Time Zone
-IP address
-Deviceoperations information
All theabove factors were not mentioned in the previous policy.
Which are the other Updates inWhatsApp Policy?
There is twomore updates related to your WhatsApp account:
1)If you aredirectly deleting your WhatsApp from your device without using the in-appdelete my account feature. You will find your data safe into your reactivationof the app. Basically, So just deleting the app from your phone won’t beenough.
The updatedpolicy statement for deleting your account It adds that “when you delete youraccount, it does not affect your information related to the groups you createdor the information other users have relating to you, such as their copy of themessages you sent them.”
2)WhatsApp’snew policy states that even if a user does not use their location-relationfeatures, they collect “IP addresses and other information like phone numberarea codes to estimate your general location (city, country).”
Why do we need to accept this Privacypolicy?
Whatsapp updates its services and privacy policy onregular basis. But this time it's kind of a different thing. Not only WhatsAppbut also most of software provider companies update their services and privacypolicies.
The paststatement of WhatsApp privacy policy ‘Respect for your privacy is coded intoour DNA. Since we started WhatsApp, we’ve aspired to build our Services with aset of strong privacy principles in mind.' Its not a part of the new policy.However, WhatsApp will be end-to-end encrypted. This means they will not share yourmessages with the third party at all (Don't worry about this). The change inpolicy is all about increasing reliance on other Facebook products.
For most ofthe applications, we have already accepted these terms. So its, not any kind ofnew thing you are going to do.
This Update in Whatsapp policy willhelp to Improve Facebook Lead Quality?
As digital marketers already know Facebook is a very powerful tool for lead generation forall businesses. But somehow the conversion rate from Facebook leads is veryless compared to Google ads and Linked ads.
We know all the people related to digital marketing or online marketing are finding forthis answer. And the answer for this question is: YES, Definitely.
(Most probably digital marketing industrialist were waitingfor this update)
WhatsApp clearly states in their updated policy that this will help to improve “relevantoffers and ads across the Facebook Company Products.” This would be acornerstone in the digital marketing industry. This will definitely improve thelead quality from Facebook and Instagram as well.
This kind of information from WhatsApp will surely help to target the right audience at the right time. We are hoping that this will help to improve our conversion rate from Facebook ads.
In this article, we have given you a brief about the new policy of WhatsApp. We hope you liked this information. If you are seeking any requirement for digital marketing and lead generation Digital Mogli is always there to serve you.