
Autumn can be a great time to enjoy the aromatic air, the tantalizing landscape covered with the colours of red and orange, and of course your dog’s sprightly jump over those piles of dried leaves. Though pet parents are more concerned about winter and summer hazards, they rarely consider autumn, which is no exception with a platter full of different risks.
Generally, there are more issues related to cat and dog health to deal with during the transitional months of autumn.
Here are the few safety tips that dog and cat owner need to be well versed with to keep their pets healthy as the scenario of dwindling temperatures set in.
With the temperature droppings, pet owners tend to neglect exercise which is the key for your pet’s health especially as the winters are on the way. Lack of agility not only tend to put on weight but also paves way to behavioral issues such as chewing and barking to release energy. Moreover, weight gain can be a cause for certain diseases.
Therefore, ensure your dog continues his exercise regime without a miss.
Missing walks due to low temperature or bad weather is no excuse. Pet owners tend to neglect those dog walks as the days get shorter with nights colder. But the necessity to walk your dog should not be cut off. Your negligence of dog-walking duties does more harm to your pet than any good.
Balanced Diet
Diet has direct relation with your pet’s health. And the transitional month means, taking extra care when filling up that dog or cat bowl.
The low level of mercury means that your pet requires more amount of energy to generate heat for combating the cold.
Get nutritional diets for your dog or cat as per their health conditions while adding up supplements to ensure their overall wellbeing.
Dog Bedding
Start preparing winter beds as the temperature drops in autumn. Plan out a place in your house, which is warmer. Put your pooch’s bed on the raised platform covered with a lot of blankets.
In case your dog sleeps outside and in no way, he can be kept inside, prepare a proper kennel for him. Ensure that the housing is dry with proper insulation and sloped roof. Keep some straw or cardboard to make it warm.
Cat Closets
For your indoor cat, you can arrange a basket stuffed with proper furnishing that can provide warmth. A place at a high level or near the hearth can be wonderful for her.
If your cat usually stays outdoors ensure that proper shelter is arranged for her to combat the chill air.
As you wrap yourself with those chunky scarves and thick coats to face the cold weather, so is true for your furry pal. Get some warm clothes for your pooch or kitty to cover them up. Usually, pet owners are unaware of the fact that too cold air may also bring in running noses, cold, and cough in furry pals. So, it’s better to wrap them up to prevent all such conditions.
Preventive Treatments
Autumn does not mean ‘NO’ fleas or ticks. These nasty creatures are still there preparing to seek place in your homes to carry on their task during the winter. As the temperatures drop, pet owners also seem to drop the monthly flea and tick treatments which invariably lead to heavy flea and tick infestations with the winter approaching.
Thus, don’t render to miss those monthly parasitic treatments but rather gear up to keep a track of your pet’s flea, tick, and heartworm preventive treatments.