
look no further than the team at Cole Paschal Law.
Whenyou are arrested for possession or the illegal sale of drugs, it is a good ideato seek the representation of a top drug crime lawyer in your case. Thepotential sentencing can be severe, but when you have someone skilledprotecting your rights, it ensures that you will achieve the best reasonableoutcome in your particular case.
Thelaw specifies which drugs are illegal to possess, and also to sell. It is thisbody of legislation that allows the state and federal governments to prosecutea person that has been charged with an act considered to be criminal in nature.The sentences imposed on those who commit drug crimes keep justice, socialorder, and peace in the country.
TheWar On Drugs has proven ineffective, however, and in many viewpoints, it isalso considered an epidemic. Prisons are overpopulated and crowded, primarilydue to the extensive amount of drug convictions every year.
Consideringthat defendants are often incarcerated for years if not decades, and oftensubjected to a seizure of their assets, it makes sense that someone whobelieves in protecting Constitutional rights would object to these laws andthis form of sentencing. A good drug crime lawyer will take significantmeasures to ensure that the judge or jury is made aware of their client'srights.
Indrug cases, a significant portion of the prosecution's case against thedefendant will be the evidence, which is effectively the drugs. It is proventhat drug arrests are often illegal in nature and regularly don't consider thedefendant's rights.
Anunlawful search of a person can, in turn, make any evidence collectedunacceptable in court, and a good drug crime lawyer will always look for thesekinds of opportunities to capitalize on.
Withoutadequate evidence against the defendant, the charges can be dropped. Sometimes,the defense team is not this lucky, however. When the evidence is substantial,it all comes down to effective litigation on behalf of the client. There areother ways to disprove the state or federal government's case against thedefendant, and a good drug crime lawyer will exhaust every possibility.
Beingarrested for drug charges in Fort Worth, Texas, is serious and requires greatrepresentation to minimize the potential for harsh sentencing. The law officeof Cole Paschall Law offers comprehensive consultations to avoid severepenalties for your suspected crimes or at least gate away with a lighterpunishment. Contact Cole Paschall Law, the Best Drug Crime Lawyer in Fort Worth,TX at 1-(817)-477-4100, to start building a strong and impactful defenseagainst your criminal charges.