
What's the difference between calendered and cast vinyl wrap film?
Vinyl wrap film is a great way to protect your vehicle from the elements and keep your paint looking pristine. But what's the difference between calendered and cast vinyl wrap film? In this article, we'll explain the two types of vinyl wrap film and their respective benefits.
What is Calendered Vinyl Wrap Film?
Calendered vinyl wrap film is a type of vinyl film that has been chemically treated to make it more resistent to peeling and cracking. This treatment makes the film more resistant to water, sunlight, and other elements that can cause wear and tear on the film.
What is Cast Vinyl Wrap Film?
Cast vinyl wrap is a type of film that is made up of thin sheets of vinyl that are stretched over a rigid frame. The film is then cut to the desired shape, and either glued or taped down to the substrate. Cast vinyl wrap is a popular choice for applications where a removable film is required, such as advertising displays.
The main difference between cast vinyl and calendered vinyl wrap is the way the films are produced. Cast vinyl is produced by stretching the thin sheets of vinyl over a frame, while calendered vinyl is made by cutting the film to the desired shape and then pressing it against the substrate. This difference in production technique results in two different types of films with different properties: Cast vinyl has a softer feel due to its slightly less-rigid structure, while calendered vinyl has a harder feel due to its more-rigid structure.
The Advantages of Calendered Vinyl Wrap Film
When it comes to choosing the right type of vinyl wrap film for your business, you might be wondering what the difference is between calendered and cast vinyl wrap film. Here are some key advantages of using calendered vinyl wrap film:
-Calendered vinyl wrap film is more durable than cast vinyl wrap film. This means that it can withstand more wear and tear, which is great if you plan on using your vinyl wrap film for a long period of time.
-Calendered vinyl wrap film looks professional and sleek. Cast vinyl wrap film can look cheap and outdated, while calendered vinyl wrap film will always look sleek and modern.
-Calendered vinyl wrap film is easier to apply than cast vinyl wrap film. This is because it doesn't require any heat or pressure to apply, which makes it a breeze to use on a large scale.
The Advantages of Cast Vinyl Wrap Film
There are a few key advantages to using cast vinyl wrap film over calendered film. The first is that calendered film can't handle extreme heat and cold, which can cause it to stretch or crack. Cast vinyl wrap film, on the other hand, can handle both high and low temperatures without breaking down.
Another advantage of cast vinyl wrap film is that it's reusable. Calendered film is usually designed to be used only once and then discarded, which means you'll have to replace it more often with cast vinyl wrap film. Finally, cast vinyl wrap film is less likely to leave marks or residue on surfaces than calendered film.
Which Type of Vinyl Wrap Film is Right for You?
If you're looking to create a professional finished product, calendered vinyl wrap film is your best bet. Cast vinyl wrap film, on the other hand, is more affordable and can be easier to work with, but it may not provide the same level of quality.
Both types of film are made of a plastic sheet that's been stretched over a frame. The main difference between the two is how they are applied. With calendered vinyl wrap film, the plastic is heated until it becomes soft and pliable. Then it's applied to the object being wrapped in a uniform layer. Cast vinyl, on the other hand, uses a liquid adhesive that's poured over the surface being wrapped. This creates an uneven finish that may require more than one application to achieve the desired effect.
Both types of vinyl wrap film can be used for a variety of applications including signage, packaging, and furniture. However, if you're looking for a professional finish, calendered vinyl wrap film is your best bet.
Calendered vinyl wrap film is made of a thicker plastic that has been molded to the shape of the object it will be wrapping. Cast vinyl wrap film, on the other hand, is made from a single piece of plastic that is then heated and shaped to the desired form. The main difference between these two types of wrap film is how easy it is to remove wrinkles or bubbles once they have formed. Calendered vinyl wrap film and automotive solar film usually requires more time and effort to remove wrinkles, while cast vinyl wrap film can be pulled off easily with a slight tug.