
Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic procedure that is used to improve or change the shape of your nose. In previous years, Rhinoplasty was only popular among celebrities and now this is considered a common procedure among all people as the success rate of rhinoplasty has increased in recent years. However, to receive a complete and better result from the rhinoplasty surgery, you have to be very careful before and after the surgery. Also, it is very important to get an idea about different surgery techniques and choose the right rhinoplasty procedures for your problem.
Types of Rhinoplasty
Choosing the best Rhinoplasty process is a keen factor for measuring the success rate of the process. Each type of surgery technique has a different approach and motive. Therefore, before selecting the option, you have to discuss your needs with your Rhinoplasty surgeon and choose the most appropriate procedure. Here are the most common types of Rhinoplasty surgery procedures:
Traditional Rhinoplasty
Although various advancements have happened in Rhinoplasty surgery procedures, the value of Traditional rhinoplasty is still the same. One who chooses traditional rhinoplasty intending to correct an asymmetric nose shape, a bulbous tip, bumps or scoops on the bridge, a crooked shape, etc.
Open or Closed Rhinoplasty
Many people are confused with Open and Closed types of Rhinoplasty. These two techniques have different methods for doing nose corrections.
Closed rhinoplasty (internal rhinoplasty) is one of the best procedures used to fix blocked airways, small tip problems, or to correct bridge bumps through small incisions inside the nose. A closed rhinoplasty takes less time to perform the procedure and has a short recovery period.
Open rhinoplasty (external rhinoplasty) is a modern and most effective way to make larger or more drastic changes to the structure of the nose. Open type helps to create deeper access to the bone and cartilage for making significant changes. This procedure helps to correct the unwanted size and shape, a protruding dorsal hump, or a bulbous nasal tip.
This surgery technique is usually intended to clear a deviated septum. A deviated septum sometimes creates severe problems that may affect your breathing, cause headaches and infections. Chronic nosebleeds or sinusitis is the main reason why many people choose Septoplasty.
Revision Rhinoplasty
If your nose appearance or functionality has been damaged during any past nose surgery, you can correct those issues by conducting a revision rhinoplasty.
Reconstructive Rhinoplasty
Most people do nose surgeries to improve their aesthetic look. But a reconstructive nose surgery is mainly carried out to restore damaged or lost tissue following illness or injury. In reconstructive surgery, your surgeon reconstructs the nose using skin grafts from other parts of the body and fills that skin to the lost tissue part. You will get the final desired result from the reconstructive nose surgery after a few months.
Major Advantages Of Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty has various benefits other than enhancing the overall beauty of your nose. It also has other life-changing benefits :
Improve breathing: Many people suffer from breathing problems due to their nose shape. Rhinoplasty surgery helps to overcome your congenital or long-term breathing issues by clearing the obstruction in your nose.
Confidence: A deviated or defected nose may reduce your confidence to face the public. You can restore your beauty through rhinoplasty procedures and this can help boost your self-esteem.
Sinus problems: Some people try various medications for curing regular headaches, constant nasal congestion, and sinus problems. However, for some people, these problems arise due to their deviated nose or any other nose-related problems. Clearing those defects can help to reduce and cure headaches and sinus problems.
Broken nose: The nose can be injured due to severe accidents, sports, etc. Rhinoplasty surgery procedures can be used to repair those broken or injured noses and can retain your beauty.
Snoring: Snoring is a major issue faced by many people. This may disturb your sleep and impact your overall body functioning. Rhinoplasty is a permanent solution to Snoring.
Birth defects: Some birth defects including a lump, curve, or underdeveloped nose, can be cleared through Rhinoplasty surgery.
Tips For Quick Surgery Recovery
You have to follow the proper advice from your rhinoplasty surgeon to avoid complications and get a positive result. Here are the important tips for getting a fast recovery from the surgery:
Stay Away from Anti-Inflammatory Medication Without Prescription
Get Plenty Of Rest
Maintain A Healthy Diet
Listen to Your Doctor
Get Outside and Take a Walk
Avoid Over Exercise
Stay Cool
Do not Blow Your Nose
Avoid Smoking
Don’t Wear Glasses
Stay Away from Peppery and Spicy Foods
You cannot take a sudden decision of doing Rhinoplasty surgery. It is also important to collect maximum information about your Rhinoplasty surgeon including your surgeon's experience, certificate, and training, years of experience in Rhinoplasty and other cosmetic techniques, etc for getting the final desired result from the surgery. It would be helpful if you take a before and after photo of your nose to confirm that you have completed the surgery with the expected result.