
September, 2019: More andmore people today choose to get involved with an online business, due to the reasonthat having a business operated through the internet offers a lot of advantagesover doing it the traditional way. Online business means that you can dobusiness right at the comforts of your own home. But, there are many importantthings that you need to learn about in getting your online business off theground. One of which is the creation of your own website, and the need toobtain hosting, in order to get it launched onto the World Wide Web.
Oneof the most important decisions will be to select a web hosting solution for yourwebsite. With so many web hosts available in the market, it is not an easy jobto select the web hosting that willbest work for you. In a few years time, cloudhosting will be one of the most used webhosting services because of its entirely new concept that sets it apartfrom other hosting services. Managed Cloud Hosting is a virtual private cloud withone or more virtual servers in a shared environment that deliver the same levelof data protection and network security as a dedicated private environment.
Temok.comis one of the leading web hostingcompanies in Dubai that have been providing hosting services to many businessesacross sectors. Temok gives you thebest Cloud Hosting solutionsavailable on the market more efficiently. They offer a selection of competitivehosting solutions including shared hosting, virtual servers and highspecification dedicated servers.Their managed cloud hosting service gives you theopportunity to be worry less, letting you focus on the growth of your website withcomplete peace of mind. The Virtual Private Servers of the company are setup onpowerful main nodes with superior connectivity to ensure that each VPS deliversoptimum performance and offers the flexibility to run large websites andinstall third party applications with ease.
Temok is one of thefirst companies to offer managed AWS and Digital Ocean hosting. They have alsohired another 25 new employees and rented 2 new offices in Dubai. They neverstop striving to deliver to their customers, and settle for nothing less than100% satisfaction. Their team of highly-trained and experienced technicians,developers and designers understand what your business needs to succeed. Theyensure that they will meet those needs and beyond.
About the Company:
TemokIT Services DMCC provides top notch domain registration and web hostingsolutions for everyone that includes shared hosting, VPS hosting and dedicatedservers. For more information visit
Contact Details:
AuthorName: Oleg Kaluger
Business/CompanyName: Temok IT Services DMCC
LocalAddress: Dubai JLT , Mazaya 3 of.2501
PhoneNumber: 0557982814
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