
How To Properly Take Care Of Your Horse?
For most, it is a dream to have a horse, and if you have been able to fulfill this, you should know that horses are high-maintenance creatures. They are not as easy to deal with as a cat or a dog. They require constant attention, and you, as an owner, should be ready to take responsibility.
You should be willing to get your hands dirty in the mud to cater to the horse’s needs. You should also know that taking care of a horse is a full-time thing and requires attention throughout the day.
Feeding Time
Like any other 4 legged friends, a horse also eats like crazy. But the more you give the horse, the more it will consume. For this very reason, you should make sure that you are feeding the horse proper and measured food day and night in a timely fashion. You should also be vigilant about the feeding habits of the horse. If they are growing and require more feed, ensure that this factor is not left unnoticed. It can lead to the horse staying hungry and unable to perform daily tasks.
The horse also requires clean water at all times. Be up to date with the last time you changed out the drinking water to ensure they are not drinking from moldy water
You are responsible for maintaining a clean and healthy environment around the horse and making sure that the area surrounding their stable is not a feasting ground for flies. If the area is dirty, it can affect the horse and its hooves.
To ensure the area surrounding the horse is clean, you will be required to clean the stable almost every day and shovel out the manure and urine spots you see. New bedding should be put in daily as well. All of this helps keep the horse clean and healthy.
Exercise Your Horse
To build a relationship with your horse, you should be willing to spend time with it. This does mean you will be required to spend time with the horse. Since a horse requires proper exercise, it will be great if you put a saddle on and give it a few rounds around the yard.
In a recent book, I read “The Four Steps.” It tells a person how a simple horse can grow up to be one’s best friend and how respect can lead to both parties being extremely grateful towards each other.
The Importance Of Freedom
Do not keep your horse locked in the stable and tied to one place. Not only will this tire your horse out, but it also makes them lazy. Horses need ample space to roam free for a good while every day. This way, they will be able to stretch their body out and get fresh air and sunlight daily.
You should also remember that horses can be trained to a set routine, and they admire it. Make sure you stick by that routine to maintain order in their system and yours.