
Microsoft Outlook is an email application that is available on the Windows platform. It allows anyone to manage their emails and includes other features such as a calendar, task manager, contact manager, note taking, journal, and web browsing. It is widely used email service in whole world .
Here are the some reason to this error occur:
- Outlook Configuration mistakes
- Firewall-related issues
- Filtered traffic on port 25
- Interference caused by a VPN connection
There are many ways to solve the problem of Outlook Server Responded 421 Error are discuss below:
1.Try to re-install the outlook application
2.Go through the configuration settings
3.Re-add your email account
4.Look for VPN interruption or interference in settings
5.Check through your firewall connection
6.Deal with the maximum limit
You can use our blog to solve the problem of error by visiting [Fixed] Outlook Server Responded 421 Error. If none of these steps help you to resolve the issue then contact our support Expert team
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How to Fix Email rejected by the Server
[Fixed] Outlook Server Responded 421 Error