
When the person is sick, then the doctor recommendsexcessively drinking fluid. It is because liquids are essential for recovery.Moreover, the majority of the masses prefer tea when they feel unwell. Inaddition to it, some masses prefer herbaltea, and others prefer any other tea.
There are numerous kinds of teas that you can take as peryour requirements. Moreover, this warm liquid is fruitful in congestion. Someteas boost the immune system. Apartfrom that, here is the list of teas that you can drink when you feelunwell.
● Lemon Tea
The consumption of lemon tea is an excellent home remedy.There are numerous pieces of evidence that show that this tea is anecdotal forsore throat. Lemon is a citrus fruit that contains Vitamin C.
Even vitamin C is an essential nutrient for the human body.Even if you are suffering from a cold or virus, then you can take this tea.
● Green Tea
Beyond the shadow of a doubt, Green tea is famous for itsvarious health benefits. It has anti-inflammatory properties and anti-effectiveproperties of EGCG. Moreover, this tea is also helpful in boosting your mood.
● Ginger Tea
If you have an upset stomach, then you can prefer gingertea. Moreover, it is also helpful in curing the headache. Along with it, youcan take a cup of ginger tea in a day when you suffer from flu. Ginger tea isalso fruitful for muscle pain. Take a cup of ginger tea to get relief fromthese problems.
● Black Tea
Black tea consists of several health benefits. These healthbenefits start from giving you extra energy to reduce the pain. In addition toit, this tea is useful in decreasing inflammation. So, hot black tea will alsoreduce the problem of coughing. You can also add this tea to your list and tryit when you feel unwell.
● White tea
It is considered as the delicate true tea. It consists ofthe mild flavor of sweet and floral notes. When you suffer from the cold orflu, then you can prefer this tea. This is because it consists ofanti-oxidants, which help fight the cold.
● Peppermint tea
Peppermint is a common ingredient in cough drops and syrups.It helps enhance breathing and decreases the symptoms of pain. This herbal tea has numerous properties.Moreover, this tea has veridical properties. In addition to it, this teareduces the length of flu.
Various health benefits are associated with the tea, whichmost people know very well. Undoubtedly, it is not only delicious but comes inmultiple flavors. You will have different options regarding the tea flavors.Some of the teas are considered the ImmuneSystem booster drink and prevent the various types of diseases.
You can add anxietytea or detox tea to your dailyroutine. Apart from it, there are numerous healthiest teas available in themarket. You should try this to keep yourself healthy. Here is the list of thefive most beneficial types of tea.
Green Tea
There is no list of healthy tea that is complete withoutgreen tea. It is the favorite tea of the health-conscious masses. In additionto it, green tea is full of antioxidants. It is fruitful in preventing heartdisease and cancer. This is because it consists of a high level ofantioxidants, which is catechins.
Oolong Tea
Oolong tea is a package of energy-giving nutrients. Inaddition to that, it is caffeinated and best for the morning. You can drinkthis tea in the morning and before doing the workout. This tea is useful inweight loss because it has caffeine and polyphenols.
So, if you are struggling with the heavyweight, then you canprefer this tea. By drinking the oolong tea, you can achieve your weight lossgoals.
White Tea
The white tea is delicious and healthy for the masses. Aswith green tea, white tea also has catechins and different antioxidants. Alongwith it, white tea protects the person against cancer and heart diseases. Itconsists of anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, these are useful indecreasing the redness on the skin.
Black Tea
It is the preferable tea across the globe and consists ofcaffeine content in a high amount. Moreover, black tea is wholly packed withantioxidants that are fruitful in protecting the heart’s health. In addition tothat, it can also lower the cholesterol level.
The ginger-citrus is also named the antimicrobial. Alongwith it, it helps fight against bacteria. This tea is a combination of gingerand citrus fruits such as lemons. Besides, the ginger contains zingiber, whilethe lemon consists of pectin and limonene.
In addition to it, the citrus fruit helps detoxify the body,and ginger is useful for fighting the illness.
There isno scientific evidence to back the fact that Detox tea helps in removing toxinsfrom the body. The opinion is generally based on people’s experiences. Apartfrom the detoxifying effect, people who consume detox tea have observed otherbenefits like weight loss and a peaceful mind. Some of the benefits of detoxtea are as mentioned below.
BoostImmune System
Detox tea is great for your immune system.It is rich in antioxidants and also provides hydration that the body needs.There are certain ingredients like turmeric or ginger that you can add to yourtea to enhance its taste as well as to give a boost to your immune system.These ingredients have antiviral and antibacterial properties that increaseyour immunity and prevent you from getting sick.
The recentyears have seen people becoming more aware of their body and health. There arenumerous harmful toxins that we keep on consuming throughout the day. Thesetoxins can have severe implications for the body. Detox tea helps cleanse yoursystem of these harmful chemicals and removes toxic substances from the body.
As mentioned earlier, detox teacleanses your body. All the harmful bacteria and toxins are removed from yoursystem, which ensures a lesser chance of any infection or bacterial growth.Bacterial vaginosis is a condition where excessive bacterial growth in thevagina can disrupt its ph balance and can cause discomfort in the area. Detoxtea has antimicrobial properties that help remove harmfulbacteria from the body while nurturing the good bacteria. This helps inmaintaining a good balance and helps in easing bacteria vaginosis.
Detox tea is extremely helpful onyour weight loss journey. We all know the benefits of green tea in helping losewater weight from the body. Detox tea has a laxative effect, which means itspeeds food through your digestive tract. This helps you in achieving a slimmerand flatter abdomen. It also keeps you hydrated for a longer duration.
Stress andanxiety are part and parcel of today’s lifestyle. Stress produces a hormone inthe body called cortisol. This can lead to poor sleep and other hormonalimbalances. Our immune system is greatly affected by the kind of sleep we have.Hence it becomes important to keep our stress levels in check. Detox tea has acalming effect on the body. Many people experience improvement in the qualityof their sleep. It reduces the stress hormone and also aids in a better immunesystem.
These aresome of the ways in which detox tea works and benefits your body.
Our Immune system is a firewall that protects our body and keeps our body healthy.Hence, for healthy living, it is essential to keep our immune system in check.
Our health iswhat keeps us fit and fine, and the care invested in our wellness ensures thathealth is always at 100%. However, the urban lifestyle is one that’s tough anddoesn’t leave us with enough time to eat or exercise right. Ultimately, we areleft with a host of illnesses that affect our emotional and physicalwellbeing.
Sleeping right
Good healthbegins with the simplest things – like sleeping! It has to be adequate, regular,and sound sleep that leaves you refreshed every morning. Your body does so muchwhen you sleep well. It removes wastes, regenerates new cells, fixes celldamages. Boost Immune System by getting enough sleep. It also helpsimprove your concentration by giving your brain a break!!
Disturbed orless sleep complicates all of these functions. You have increased medicalissues and can develop sleep apnea that increases health risks.
Balanced diet
Bad diets leadto hypertension, cancer, heart issues, and diabetes. Women can avoid Bacterialvaginosis treatment by following a good diet. Also, a good diet controlsthese problems and guarantees a normal weight. Don’t follow the latest faddiets; if you want to eat healthily, pay a visit to your dietician.
A dietician willcheck you to see what your diet lacks and can recommend healthy choices andalternatives. Try to have lots of natural foods like fish, meats, herbs, wholegrains, veggies, and fruits. You can also add Cannabis Tea and otherhealthy drinks to fortify your diets on your own.
Ditching badhabits
Smoking isattributed to so many health problems. For women, it leads to wrinkling anddamaged arteries for men. It’s tough to quit, but hopefully, thinking ofimmediate and long-term results should motivate you!! Reduce the alcohol orwine that you drink.
Red wine hasflavonoids, phytonutrient resveratrol that can control heart diseases,Alzheimer’s disease. Moderation is key here, and you don’t need red wine forthese health benefits. You can find the same in red grapes, red grape juice,and peanuts. Alcohol has been connected to breast cancer. It has also beenconnected with stroke, high blood pressure, and emotional problems.
Exercise right
It’s good to bephysically active, but adding at least half hours of exercise to this worksgreat. Exercise takes care of your physical strength, your stamina and reducesbone loss. There are low-cost ways to exercise too. You can try walking,jogging, household chores, and freshen up afterward with a cup of Teatox.
Consider goingto a gym if you want to lose weight or try out flexibility or balancingexercises. The exercises’ intensity will depend on your weight loss goals, yourphysical state, and the health issues to be controlled.
Our Immunesystem is a firewall that protects our body and keeps our body healthy. Hence,for healthy living, it is essential to keep our immune system in check. Thereare Juices and drinks that can boost our immune system by supplying essentialminerals and nutrients to the body. Therefore, we are here with a list of immune system booster drinks that can be extremelyhelpful.
1)Green apple carrot and oranges.
This drinkhas offered a great combination in terms of nutrients and vitamins. Apple andorange are rich in vitamin C, which boosts your immunity. The carrot is asource of antioxidants and beta-carotene that is extremely helpful in boosting the body’sability to fight off infection. The carrots also contain potassium and vitaminB6, which is really helpful in the production of antibodies.
2)Strawberry and kiwi
The roadto health does not have to be difficult. This tasty smoothie will ensure thatyou maintain your immune system while pleasing your taste buds at the sametime. Both strawberry and kiwi are great sources of vitamin C. Add a dose ofprotein and vitamin D to this drink by adding skim milk. Vitamin D deficiencyhas shown some serious effects on the Covid cases. Henceit is necessary to provide your body with vitamin D through sunlight or byconsuming animal products rich in vitamin D.
Ashwagandhaworks like magic for your immune system. This magical herb also reduces anxietyand stress. Ashwagandha tea is an amazing immunity booster tea that helps you relax andalso manages blood sugar levels as well. All you have to do is boil it in waterfor ten to fifteen minutes. You can also add some honey to enhance the taste.
4)Watermelon and mint
Watermelonworks amazingly for our immune system by providing it with the necessaryvitamin C and arginine. Also, it is highly effective in relieving musclesoreness, which is a common symptom of flu. Apart from vitamin C, watermelon isalso a great source of citrulline, vitamin A, and magnesium.
5)Lemon pepper and turmeric.
Thisamazing combination is not only an immunity booster but also enhances your mood. Lemon is a great sourceof vitamin C, and turmeric is well known for its anti-bacterial and antisepticproperties. The healing properties of turmeric can be attributed to thepresence of aphyto-derivative called curcumin.It is present in a very small amount of about 5%, but is highly effective.Add black pepper to the lemon and turmeric tea toboost the anti-microbial properties of the drink.
In thewake of current scenarios, it has become extremely important to add these amazing drinkstoyour covid-19 supplies.
Feminine hygiene is something that needs as much attention as otherbodily functions. However, the subject is taboo in many cultures and is notmuch talked about. Maintaining healthy habits and good hygiene will help youavoid infections and also maintaining a healthy reproductive tract.
Here are some of the tips that can be extremely helpful for maintainingfeminine hygiene
1. Change sanitarypads in 4-6 hours.
Taking care of your feminine hygiene is extremely important, especiallyduring your monthly cycle. It is advisable for women with the normal flow tochange their sanitary pads or tampons every 4-6 hours, even on the days whenyou have light blood flow. Women with a heavy flow can also choose a regularrate.
Failing to do so can lead to odor and rashes. In some cases, it can alsolead to infection. Hence, it is essential to change your sanitary padsregularly.
2. Avoid usingsoap
Using soap to clean your vaginal area can also cause many issues. Soapsare loaded with harmful chemicals and powerful scents, which can disrupt the phbalance of the vaginal area. It can disrupt the functioning of good bacterialand can cause irritation or rashes. The best solution, in this case, is to useplain soap and water. You can also use lukewarm water to maintain a healthybalance.
3. Avoid scentedfeminine hygiene products.
Stop using everything that you see on the shelves of a departmentalstore. Your body has a unique way of cleaning itself, and you do not investyour time, energy, and money on products like scrubs and deodorant for yourvaginal care. These products are not good for your health and can lead toinfection due to heavy chemicals.
You can also use femininewellness teas to improve your body’s health, including your vaginal health.Wellness tea has antibacterial properties that can act as an immune booster tea. Better immunitymeans improved overall health. Also, you can use cannabis tea for improvedfeminine health. This helps you in cleansing your body and is also an effectiveremedy for Bacterial vaginosis treatment.
You can use Cannibas tea too.
5. Always respondto your body.
All the signs and symptoms you see in your body are a message sayingthat something is wrong. You need to look at every sign and never ignore anysymptom, even if it seems trivial. Rashes, odor, and excessive discharge aresome of the signs that you should not ignore for your feminine hygiene. Theyneed to be paid attention to, and you should visit a doctor whenever needed.
These are some of the tips that can help you maintain better femininehygiene.