
Full Form Of WIPRO, What Is The Full Form Of WIPRO
Complete form of refined palm oil from Western India Wipro Limited. Wipro is an Indian information technology and systems integration company. This is known as India Palm Refined Oils Limited. Headquartered in Bangalore, India. He first worked as a sunflower oil specialist, but now works in systems integration, IT consulting, healthcare, customer service, lighting, etc.
Full Form Of WIPRO
Wipro was founded by Muhammad Hashim Premji on December 29, 1945, as a sunflower oil factory in a small town in Jalgaon, Maharashtra. Muhamed Hashem Premji is the father of Azim Premji, the current president of Wipro. After the departure of M. Premji, Azim Premji took over the management of the company and took it to the top. He has been involved in non-IT businesses and, since March 2013, has set up a private company called WIPRO Enterprises Limited to focus on his core IT business. Western India Palm Refined Oils Limited is Full form of WIPRO. Wipro is one of the largest IT consulting firms and system partners in India, with more than 1.5 thousand employees. The staff.Wipro comprises divisions being a few such as for instance Wipro Infrastructure Engineering, Wipro Technology Services Limited, Wipro Consumer Care & Lighting and Wipro GE health Systems Limited.
Go fully into the IT industry
The organization dedicated to the IT and computer industry, which was a frontrunner in India at that time in the 1970s and 1980s. The company's title had been changed on June 7, 1977 from western Asia Palm Refined Oils Limited to Wipro Products Limited. During 1982, the company's title had been changed to Wipro Limited from Wipro Products Limited. In 1999, Wipro was noted on the New York stock market.