
It is never normal for an air conditioner to produce ice on any part of the machine, which means that ice frosting on an air-conditioning system is usually a sign that there is some problem with a critical part of the system. Such a situation can easily compel the user to hire AC repair Pembroke Pines specialists to get relevant solutions. However, before you make the final decision to schedule a professional AC repair Pembroke Pines session, you may try doing a few simple things to fix this problem yourself.
Describing in simple words, you can fix the problem only if you know the actual reason responsible for it. To help you out with this, we are here explaining the four most likely reasons responsible for ice-formation on an air conditioning system. In short, after reading the following information, you will be able to figure out the exact reason responsible for the ice build-up over your air conditioner. Not only that, but you'll also discover easy ways to get rid of ice frosting over your air-conditioning system.
Clogged Filters
Ice-formation over an air conditioner is one of the most common problems caused by clogged AC filters. When air filters are blocked with a large amount of debris, the evaporator coil present in the indoor unit becomes freezing cold, which sometimes starts producing ice over the indoor unit. Thus, cleaning the AC filter regularly is an easy way to prevent major AC problems.
Blocked Air Vents
Sometimes, the problem lies within the return vents, which generally happens when air vents get blocked because of some reason. It might be some heavy objects placed near return vents or maybe, it is because of the presence of excessive dirt in air vents. Both of these situations might result in ice-formation if not resolved at the right time.
Broken Blower
You can’t keep the blower fan out when talking about the most critical parts of an air conditioner. Yes, a broken blower fan can sometimes also be responsible for the presence of ice over an AC unit. In that case, you may need to call a professional technician to fix the broken blower of your air-conditioning system.
Refrigerant Leak
If the ice is present on the refrigerant line, then it is possibly because the refrigerant is leaking out of somewhere. In such a situation, simply locate and seal the leaking spot to prevent ice build-up over the refrigerant line.