Flow Switches- Types and Their Working Process
Flow Switches- Types and Their Working Process
Flow switches can assist various roles and also get used in a class of uses. There are various other advantages of flow switches.

Flow Switches- Types and Their Working Process

Flow switches are automatic tools used in controlling the flow of air, steam, or fluid. A flow switch works by sending a trip action relay, reed switch, paddle to another device within the method, regularly a pump. The trip sign will mean for the pump to turn on or turn off. It is crucial to damage security and circuit cooling or regulate flow rates too high or too low.

Flow switches can assist various roles and also get used in a class of uses. If one requires to control the flow rate or to guard the pump, then the flow switch can assist your goal. The flow sensor will give an electrical sign to PLC or any other electric controller.

Definition of Flow

Flow relates to the speed or physical evolution of gas, steam, or fluid within a pipe that triggers the actuation of the flow switch. When there is no flow now, the speed either drops or holds. In either case, the controller will return to its original state. A total stoppage or decrease in rate gets shown when there is no flow. Also, the blockage enables the switch to turn to its real work.

Working of the flow switch 

Firstly the relevant paddles stimulate the flow switches. As water and gas move, a similar paddle gets eliminated. The switch will automatically lock the circuit off when the substance’s mass will be too high and too low. It is done to stop any harm to the method.

Flow Switch Uses

A liquid flow switch is suitable in the chlorination of a swimming pool, hot water heating, air conditioning, liquid transfer systems, fire sprinkler systems, and automated laser cooling methods.
Water flow switches are performed in water sprinkler systems. For instance, in a fire, a flow switch can trigger an electrical fire alarm means to turn on.

Airflow switches are used for cleanroom filter methods, exhaust airing, and air treatment systems.

Flow switches are used in many other uses, such as:

  • Water treatment methods
  • Additive or blending modes
  • Air supply systems
  • Duct type heat

More Flow switch uses

  • The flow switch triggers an alarm when the accumulation gets off.
  • When there is inadequate flow, the electric motor will close down.
  • The flow switch also makes used in air conditioning and vent units.
  • In the central heating methods, the flow switch gets accepted.
  • In the chlorination methods fitted in swimming pools, flow switches can be utilized.


There are various other advantages of flow switches. Besides this, multiple models are also obtainable in flow switches, serving your type of goals. One should not minimize the importance of flow switches.