
The law has long allowed the possession of various types of weapons. Before purchasing it, you need to apply to the relevant authorities for permission to carry, store and transport self-defense equipment and other types of weapons. It is naive to assume that after obtaining a license, one can consider that the law has been implemented. On the contrary, from that moment on, control by state bodies is intensifying.
The law provides for administrative liability, and in some cases criminal liability, for non-compliance with the rules that concern not only the carrying and transportation of firearms, traumatic weapons and cartridges, but also their use.
According to the legislation, there is no concept of "traumatic weapon". But there are signs by which it is determined:
only traumatic cartridges can be used;
it must contain no more than 10 rounds;
energy when fired does not exceed 91 J;
used solely for the purpose of self-defense.
To store traumatic or hunting weapons in the house, you will need a safe. It is allowed to store it at the place of residence of the owner. Cartridges should also be kept in a safe or in a special metal box that will ensure their safety.
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It is possible to transport weapons and cartridges for them across the territory of the Russian Federation after issuing a special document at the place of registration in the licensing offices. This is necessary if the owner has more than 5 pieces of registered weapons and more than 400 rounds of ammunition. Without such a permit, it is allowed to transport weapons to the following citizens:
having a document for carrying and transporting sports and hunting weapons to participate in events;
having a license to purchase, but without the right to carry;
persons not registered with the internal affairs bodies.
Transportation is carried out exclusively in holsters , cases or cases .
The law does not directly prohibit the carrying of weapons without a holster. But at the same time, it should be hidden from prying eyes. When wearing the gun, unload and put on the safety. Store with cartridges is recommended to put in your pocket or bag. The cartridge can be in the chamber only during use, that is, shooting. Such requirements are due to the observance of security measures.
For concealed carrying of small-sized weapons, it is allowed to use a special synthetic or leather tape. It is wrapped around the pistol grip. You can buy a kangaroo bag for a belt, a purse, or use the hidden pockets in the bag.
In some cases, carrying a traumatic weapon without a holster is dangerous and inconvenient. The choice of cover must be approached responsibly, especially in the summer. A properly positioned holster on the body will allow you to quickly draw a weapon in a difficult situation. A trouser holster is suitable for complete disguise of the pistol. The weapon in them is pressed as close as possible to the body of the owner, and therefore imperceptibly to outsiders.