
Best Physical Therapy for Stroke Patients | Drugcarts
Stroke Rehab
Our stroke service is one of the best way to support a patient who had suffered from stroke. The aim of service is to deal with patient who had often suffered by stroke we serve as caregivers for family with physical, emotional and post behavioral changes. Our stroke professional involves family members with customized service as per needs and requirements for stroke. Though drugcarts will provide stroke survivor and family members had opportunity to enjoy happy life and spend quality time together with their dignity and independence,
A stroke occurs when blood supply to brain cells is reduced, due to the blockge of oxygen and nutrients from blood tissue which leads stop working. It’s also called as cerebro vascular accident or brain attack. As brain cells begin to die, they get affected in such as muscle control, movement of arms; legs, etc. are lost and need medical emergency. Some of signs such as trouble in speaking and understanding, paralysis and numbness, blurred or blackened vision, headache, dizziness, vomiting, altered consciousness.
A stroke can be caused by a blockage of artery in case of ischemic stroke and due to the leaking or bursting of a blood vessel causes a hemorrhagic stroke. The part of brain that supplies blood vessels by clotting due to the blockage of oxygen and nutrients leads to stop working.
Certainly its changes lifestyle and some of risk factors such as obesity, physical inactivity, consumption of alcohol, high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes and smoking etc. increase the chances of causing a stroke. People who are older age of 55 are at a higher risk and so are those who have a genetic history of stroke in family.
They are three types of stroke that need medical emergency due to clotting of blood vessels.
1. Ischemic stroke
The stroke happens when blood vessel supplying to blood to brain get blocked by a clots. Treatment includes administrating of tissue plasminogen activator (TPA) directly into an artery of the brain that remove the clot or the use of a catheter. Symptoms are numbness or weakness of your face, arm, or leg, often on one side of the body
2. Hemorrhagic Stroke:
This stroke occurs in blood causes bleeding that damages your brain cells and turns into pressure. Treatment is focused on controlling the high blood pressure and preventing of blood vessel with sudden constriction. Symptoms like intense headache, confusion, blurred vision, nausea and sensitivity to lights.
3. Transient ischemic attack:
Ischemic stroke when temporary blockage of blood flow to brain called as mini stroke for few minutes. Treatments due to medication, surgery and lifestyle changes. Symptoms like weakness, severe headache, loss of balance.
It covers a variety of health, health-related services that individuals assists the functional limitations due to physical, cognitive, or mental conditions or disabilities with the support. The goal of Long term care service is to facilitate optimal functioning among people with disabilities
* Nutritional diet and healthy life.
* Maintaining healthy life
* Doing regular physical activity
* Avoiding tobacco and alcohol.
* Medical factors are keeping diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol under control its also reduce the risk of stroke.
The stroke mainly affects the brain which controls muscle movement, person may experience with some symptoms like as muscle spasms, balance problems, and joint pain. Regular physiotherapy service ensures that will help in restore mobility, improving health, managing pain and instilling confidence in the patient to be active and involved in daily activities. Physiotherapist will provide regular exercises such as stretching, walking, joints with massage therapy and educate the people.
* Nursing rehabilitation
* Restore physical functioning
* Treat problems of movement, coordination and balance.
* Need daily living activities with assistance
* Mobility assistance
* Companionship
* Swallowing problems and regain communication
* Caregivers gives education and family from stroke
Treatment and the outcomes
• Plan for specialized care
• Online assessment and clinical records
• Home visit reports of patient
Clinical audits like hospital
• Monitoring the daily treatment
• Weekly audits by chief physiotherapist
• Monthly on site audits.
• 50% of savings as compared to hospital
• Quick recovery on functional abilities and independence
• Minimize readmission to hospital
• Doctors for 24X7 clinical supervision and e-reports
• One shop for stroke rehabilitation service at home
• Well trained stroke professionals
I am very satisfied by Physio Sudhir kumar efforts towards the treatment of my ankle & knee.He is a very good doctor & he comes for my treatment on the time asm requested by me. I am thankful for his good service.
Mukesh was excellent with the service and he was able to diagnose the problem very soon and gave the right treatment.
Rakesh was excellent with the service and he was able to diagnose the problem very soon and gave the right treatment.
For enquiries, bookings or support and other details give a missed call @ +91 9920611567