
Benefits of Antler Dog Chews & Never Subjected to Chemicals or Dyes
Given that antlers are solid, it is possible that when your dog chews on them, it will help scrape away plaque accumulation, enhancing your pup's dental health and tooth strength. Chewing is a beneficial pastime for dogs that they may undertake on their own since it is a natural stress reliever.
The advantages of chewing on antlers for dogs
They are a good source of nutrition.
Antlers are a naturally occurring source of protein and amino acids, and unlike rawhide bones, they are not subjected to any processing. They're simply gathered, cleaned, and sliced into smaller pieces. They are never subjected to harsh chemicals or dyes throughout their production.
Antlers also contain various naturally occurring nutrients, including zinc, phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium, among others.
They're a long-term solution
Antler dog chews is both compassionate and long-lasting, which will appeal to those who care about animals. Because elk and deer antlers are naturally shed each year, these chews are devoid of animal byproducts. Because they produce new antlers every year, these chews are more environmentally friendly than other alternatives.
They have a long shelf life
Antlers will survive a long time in the hands of your dog. Antler chews may live for up to a year on average, but they can live as long as six months. With that stated, the size and cut of the antler, the hardness of the core, and how active a chewer your dog is will all play a role in how long it will last.