
You are just 21 long days away from seeing those beautiful chicks and FINALLY, your Ayam Cemani Chicken breeding program is getting started. Well, not quite unless you want to spend a lot of time spinning your wheels and hoping for a little luck!
Ayam Cemani for Better Results in Chicken Production?
Ayam Cemani has certainly had people talking excitedly about it over the last few years. The day has finally arrived. You’ve collected enough eggs from your hen to start incubating after waiting, and waiting, and waiting.
You are just 21 long days away from seeing those beautiful chicks and FINALLY, your Ayam Cemani Chicken breeding program is getting started. Well, not quite unless you want to spend a lot of time spinning your wheels and hoping for a little luck!
Unlike other breeds, fibromatosis makes breeding Ayam Cemani challenging.
It’s not as simple as choosing a couple of black hens and a cock to breed!
But none are as bewitching as the “Ayam Cemani". This rare creature, native to Indonesia’s island of Java, is the most magnificent breed of chicken in the world. Its feathers are as dark as the cosmos. So is its flesh. In fact, from the talon to the tongue, every bit of this chicken is the color of licorice even its bones and internal organs.
It is a total blackbird inside and out, so as you can imagine,
You can read our more blogs about it like what is Brahma chicken used for?
Ayam Cemani Chicken with the Dark Arts.
Breed Standard
The standard description below is from the Dutch standard of perfection.
The bird should stand upright, alert – almost ‘game-like.
The body is of medium size, slim, firm, and muscular.
It will have a fairly broad breast and a medium back, which slopes from the neck. The wings are long and strong, arising from wide shoulders.
The tail is held moderately high. Thighs are powerful and muscular. The bird should have 4 toes to each foot.
Feathers are all black and are close-fitting to the body. Skin, eyes, wattles, and comb should all be black. You should see no other color.
The feathers may show a beetle-green to purple iridescence in sunlight.
Do Those Black Chicken Breeds Lay Black Eggs?
Back to the main topic about black chicken eggs. Well, you already know the real fact of Ayam Cemani Chicken and Kadaknath Chicken which has black color inside and outside. Due to this fact, many people believe that Cemani and Kadaknath Chicken can lay black eggs.
Cemani Meat is Black or red?
When people are looking for Ayam Cemani Meat and black eggs for sale, most of them will choose Cemani Chicken or Kadaknath Chicken.
Similar to other chicken types, ayam cemani eggs' color is cream. Has no different color from others. What makes it different happens when the egg yolk which is yellow in the beginning, then it turns slowly into black color (but not black). It happens when the embryo starts to appear which means the egg is of good quality.
It will begin to form the Ayam Cemani For sale chick.
Just for additional information about Ayam Cemani Meat and black eggs (not chicken eggs), there is one type of bird that can lay black eggs. It is not as solid black as you imagine. It’s very dark in green.
That’s only some information about black eggs. However, if you are looking for information about black Ayam Cemani Eggs, don’t expect anything because no chicken can lay black eggs. Remember that black chicken breeds do exist, but not for the black chicken egg.
Their beaks, tongues, combs, and wattles appear black, and even their meat, bones, and organs are black or gray. Their blood is normally colored. The birds’ black color occurs as a result of excess pigmentation of the tissues, caused by a genetic condition known as fibromatosis.
Researchers said Black chicken has full of antioxidant which helps to keep your health, prevent sickness and common colds. The antioxidant that is found in black chicken is called Carnosine. Besides, it also offers higher levels of iron, minerals, and vitamins, and nutrients usually present in regular chicken.
These Ayam Cemani For sale are bred by dedicated breeders and can be found in Europe, America, and its native region of Indonesia. There are only around 3500 left in existence – so it’s not one that your local breeder is likely to have! What’s their personality like? The Ayam Cemani’s are friendly.