
5 Ways to Keep Your Cat Happy - Mentally And Physically
If you are a cat owner, you are aware that cats love to sleep for almost the entire day and when they are awake, they need entertainment and engagement. This stimulation of their activities during the hours that they are awake is also known as environmental enrichment.
While cats come up with ways to entertain themselves at times and on the other hand, they get bored easily. When they get bored, they start with activities that annoy them. It could be scratching your pillow or probably over-eating. All of these can be taken care of when you make an effort from your end to ensure that your cats are in the best of their health - both mental and physical.
Make mealtimes enjoyable
Helping them with the same food daily or probably at the same place can get boring. When it is meal time, consider changing places and the food you provide. You could also organize treasure hunts at times when you hide food at different places for them to find and eat. This engages them to a certain extent.
Toys for the times when you aren't around
Whether you are leaving them at the cat boarding in Townsville or alone at home, they need to arrange for toys they can be self-engaged with. They love pouncing and chasing, and that is what you arrange for. Pet stores may help you with toys they can play with independently.
Toys for both of you
The more your cat spends time with you, the closer it will get to you. Therefore, when you are home with them, play games together. It could be laser pointers that can make them chase around or probably feather wands that allow them to pounce and chase. You engage yourself in such fun activities while your cat loves being a part of them.
Segregate an outdoor area for them
Keeping them indoors all the time can make them feel sick and irritated. It stays cooped when you set up a cattery or a cat stand outdoors. It enjoys what is there outdoors without them having to be out there personally, sitting in the cattery and observing things and exploring new and better stuff, especially something close to their habitat.
Let them interact with the rest
If you are a bid lover, try setting up a bird feeder close to your window to watch these little creatures come over daily. When your cat accompanies you when you interact with the birds, they also love being around. Being close to birds, your cats will love that you are helping them with wildlife encounters and not secluding them from the urban world.
Whether you make arrangements for these at your house or suggest the same to the cat boarding, it will benefit your cat's growth. They will know that they are special to you and that you are making up effort to keep them happy.
"Herding People: A Do-It-Yourself Guide for Cats" by Will Richan and Ampers is a book by a cat, intended for other cats, plus cat lovers, advice to fellow felines on how to outwit humans and those other household pets like dogs, canaries, etc. In this book, the author turns the tables and talks about ways of handling people.