Case Report Writing? It's Easy If You Do It Smart
Case Report Writing? It's Easy If You Do It Smart
Case reports are defined as the scientific documentation of a single clinical observation and have a time-honored and rich tradition in medicine and scientific publication.


Medical Case reports (or the case study or the case history) disseminate clinical practices, examines clinical scenarios, and illustrates a diagnostic or therapeutic problem experienced by one or several patients. MCRs can be from any area of medicine, nursing, dentistry, and veterinary science.

Case reports are defined as the scientific documentation of a single clinical observation and have a time-honored and rich tradition in medicine and scientific publication. Pubrica has extensive experience in developing a detailed clinical case report that highlights the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of an individual patient.

They should discuss investigations undertaken in order to determine a diagnosis or differentiate between possible diagnoses and should indicate the course of treatment the patient underwent as a result. As a whole, then, case Studies should be an informative and useful part of every physician's medical education, both during training and on a continuing basis. Another important general rule for writing case report studies is to stick to the facts. A case study should be a fairly modest description of what actually happened. Speculation about underlying mechanisms of the disease process or treatment should be restrained.


So, what is the Medical Case report?

Clinical case reporting is communicating to the medical fraternity about an unusual or previously unknown condition, a rare presentation or a new complication of a known disease, or a new approach for curing a common disease.  It can also be said as a detailed report of the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of an individual patient. 

Why should a Medical case report be published?

Many reputed and renowned journals publish MCRs for the following among other reasons:

  • A clinical case report which illustrates the appropriate use of an important clinical guideline or systematic review

  • A new and unexpected association between diseases or symptoms

  • An unexpected new observation found during the treatment of a patient

  • A clinical case illustrating an important best practice teaching message

  • An adverse effect or any finding that sheds light on the possible pathogenesis of a disease

  • Rare and unique features of a disease

  • Variations of anatomical structures

  • Unique therapeutic approaches

  • A common disease presenting in a different and uncommon way

Our case Reporting Writing Services include

  • Develop an informative title that attracts reader interest following nominal and compound. Titles in general follow JCCA instructions with a keyword from a standard list such as MeSH (medical subject headings)

  • Abstract: We clearly summarize the paper into a story which flows logically. We follow one of two styles, narrative or structure. We adhere to the JCAA recommendation for case studies such as structured abstract that consists of Introduction, case presentation, management and outcome, and discussion.

  • Introduction: A brief introduction and our objective is to have the reader understand clearly, but in a general sense.

  • Case presentation: emphasize on raw data such as complaints that brought the patient in a narrative format, summarize the results of questioning, describe the results of clinical examination.

  • Management and outcome: finally, plan for case as well as the care which was actually provided and the outcome

  • Discussion: identify any questions that the case report raises along with summarizing the lessons learned from this case.

  • Acknowledgement and references: highlight assistance with the preparation, and references that actually used to support the case study.

  • Legends, Tables, figures and permissions will be also being included as part of the case study.

What are the key elements to be incorporated into a CCR?

The following are the key elements to be included in CCR for its successful publication in reputed journals.

  • The given title should precisely reflect the case with a list of the full names, institutional address and email addresses for all authors (e.g. “end the title with”….a case report” or …two case reports” or “… a case series”)

  • The Abstract
    Should be short and sweet, not exceeding 350 words. The abstract should be structured into Background,an introduction,case presentation, brief details of patients,and a brief conclusion.

  • The introduction or background
    Serves as the sales pitch for the rest of the manuscript. Therefore, it should present a clear, concise and precise message of the case, including the disorder, and progression and an explanation. Remember, the case report should involve new or unusual or previously unknown health issues.

  • Case presentation
    Should present all relevant details including demographic information, physician writing history of the patient, symptoms and signs, any tests that were carried out. The case should be presented in a chronological order, starting with the primary complaint followed by physical examination, along with pertinent investigation. It should be structured properly structured as per the guidelines of the journal

  • Discussion section
    Should evaluate the patient case for accuracy, uniqueness, and validity and compare and contrast the case report with the published literature


 should be short and concise with a clear take home message.