
1. Goodreads
Goodreads is a gift for book lovers, where people share books that they have read or want to read. Users give suggestions of books to peers ad set up reading challenges for motivation. People also leave reviews and rate books where the study can come in.
How can you use Goodreads for English writing practice? Here is how you can:
· Set up an account in Goodreads and link it with Facebook.
· Find a book that you like or sounds interesting.
· Borrow or buy it.
· Read your chosen book and write a review on Goodreads. Make the review engaging and make sure you share your opinions on the selected book.
· Share it with the Goodreads community if you are happy with your review.
Be critical while reviewing your favourite book. Feel free to leave comments on other reviews as well. And if you have noticed, as you are discussing in English, your cognitive thinking and writing skills are getting worked out.
2. Grammar Girl
Grammar Girl is an extensive grammar resource available as a website and podcast. Here users will find comprehensive and accessible tips to enhance their writing. This is a famed website where almost any word or grammar use query has a solution.
The good thing about this resource is that it makes complicated grammar questions simple, easily understandable for students and even writers. Users will often learn memory tricks to aid themselves in recalling and applying those troublesome grammar rules. The podcast is free to access and a fantastic way to boost users' English skills- it efficiently improves their command of the language. Users can improve their English speaking and writing skills while driving, during chores, and other downtimes.
3. The Purdue online writing lab
Purdue is the hub for writing resources for all levels and ages. The resource has assembled all writing resources that help students and writers find whatever educational resource they are looking for. Take some time to browse the Purdue Online Writing Lab, and you will find a plethora of data, practice tests, and tools to enhance your reading and skills, along with vocabulary. So whether your focus is grammar, research, vocabulary, or questions, this software can point you toward the solutions you are searching for.
4. Sentence Sense
Sentence Sense is an online resource that offers users data about how sentences work. It also guides users to understand how sentences should be structured.
To strengthen your prose, you can use this website to learn, comprehend, and implement grammar rules, word usage rules, and sentence structuring rules. Take notes of the rules you learn as you go, for example, the grammar rules and vocabulary usage tips you did not already know. You can later skim your eyes through the notes or use them when editing your notes. This is a fantastic resource for college or high school students.
Parting thoughts,
Beginning and finishing a piece of writing can be a scary process. Some learners, even writers, may feel like there are many unknown variables. It takes long hours to outline an essay. It requires brainstorming and information organizing skills. There is no specific formula. Neither there is any right nor wrong. However, a subjective grading system attempts to follow a detailed rubric. And the resources mentioned above helps make the writing process more manageable. With these resources, you can work on your writing, editing, and creativity skills. And- you can grow together as a student and a writer.
Author's Bio: Henry Tesfaye is a content crafter at You can find him online, tweeting about the writing process, and occasionally, second-guessing football coaches. He will write an affordable paper for you whenever you ask him to.