Hiring a DevOps Engineer: Useful Tips and Best Practices
Hiring a DevOps Engineer: Useful Tips and Best Practices
Learn tips & best practices for hiring the right DevOps engineer, whether your needs are in-house, freelance or completely outsourced.

Hiring a DevOps engineer is a common practice at most IT companies. Having a DevOps developer in your team usually results in making releases more often, faster, and better than competitors not implementing a DevOps strategy.

Today hiring a DevOps engineer is also relevant for industries other than those from the IT world. Businesses from startups to large enterprises are increasingly thinking: Why not introduce DevOps?

In this article, you will discover the benefits of hiring a DevOps engineer, plus four key points to pay special attention to while selecting among the candidates to fill your DevOps position.

In the end, you will be able to make a reasonable decision on whether to introduce a full-time DevOps position or outsource DevOps responsibilities.