
Ourmission is to help bring creative projects to life.
Kickstarter crusades accomplish thoughts. It's the placewhere makers share new dreams for innovative work with the networks that willmeet up to subsidize them.
A portion of these makers, as Critical Role, TLC, and TheSmithsonian Institution previously had enormous fanbases. Be that as it may,many tasks have been just about as limited scale as a restricted run of quietreflection vinyls or as exceptional as early forms of Issa Rae's Insecure andPhoebe Waller-Bridge's Fleabag.
Regardless, makers consistently control how the work meetsup—no 100-page award applications, no givers requesting you change yourmessage, no last-minute alters from financial backers. At the point whenpatrons chip in subsidizing and assist with getting the news out, they toobecome part of these free works.
"Kickstarter is one of those stages that gives youspace to work with individuals who know you, love you, and backing you."
Our people group.
Taking advantage of our local area begins with enacting yourown. Best undertakings fabricate a compounding phenomenon, prevailing uponcompanions and early allies who then, at that point share the thought withtheir organizations, and sign their help to the more extensive Kickstarterpeople group. The snowball can get huge. More than 20 million individuals, fromeach mainland on the planet, have helped store Kickstarter projects.
Our main goal.
Our main goal is to assist with rejuvenating imaginativeventures. We accept that craftsmanship and inventive articulation are vital fora sound and dynamic culture, and the space to make requires assurance.
We don't need craftsmanship world elites and diversionchiefs to characterize our way of life; we need inventive individuals—eventhose who've never made anything—to jump in the driver's seat. We assist makerswith interfacing straightforwardly with their networks, putting power where itshould be.
We are so dedicated to our main goal, we composed it intoour plan of action. In 2015 we turned into a Public Benefit Corporation—arevenue driven organization that focuses on certain results for society as muchas our investors. We refreshed our corporate sanction to spread out explicitobjectives and responsibilities to place our qualities into our activities,advance expressions and culture, battle imbalance, and assist imaginative taskswith occurring.
Since our dispatch, on April 28, 2009, 20 millionindividuals have upheld a task, $6.1 billion has been vowed, and 208,173undertakings have been effectively subsidized.
Our group.
We're a free organization of around 75 individualscooperating, a considerable lot of us in an old pencil industrial facility inNew York City. We invest our energy planning and building Kickstarter,fashioning local area around inventive ventures, and supporting the imaginativeenvironment around us. We're engineers, creators, support subject matterexperts, journalists, performers, painters, artists, gamers,robot-developers—and so on. Throughout the long term, our group has sponsoredin excess of 50,000 tasks (and dispatched our very own lot).
Our set of experiences.
Kickstarter dispatched on April 28, 2009. A ton has occurredsince.
We turned into a Public Benefit Corporation to focus on ourstandards as much as our benefits. We dispatched The Creative Independent toshare assets and guidance for a wide range of producers. We welcomed theneighborhood local area into our Brooklyn central command with theCreators-in-Residence program.
Undertakings won Grammys and Oscars. London's V&A Museumcurated a show about Kickstarter configuration projects. Hank Willis Thomas andFor Freedoms' political announcement project across each of the 50 statesturned into the biggest imaginative coordinated effort in U.S. history. Wepraised our 10th birthday celebration. We joined the Global Strike for ClimateChange and went Climate Neutral—we're doing all that we can to fabricate along, sound future for the imaginative culture we developed. This is only thestart.
"I was living in New Orleans in late 2001 and I neededto bring a couple of DJs down to play a show during the 2002 Jazz Fest. Itracked down an extraordinary scene and contacted their administration, howeverin the end the show never occurred—it was simply an excessive amount ofmoney..."
The Creative Independent.
Kickstarter's help for inventive work goes past ourfoundation. We distribute The Creative Independent (TCI) as an approach toshare counsel and enlighten the many, many courses to carrying on with animaginative life. We've highlighted insight from more than 800 workingcraftsmen up until now—including David Byrne talking about disappointment, PoetOcean Vuong on the liberality of perusing and composing, Sufjan Stevendismissing the "tormented craftsman" schtick, and Laurie Anderson ondiscovering motivation in harsh occasions. We've shared aides on everythingfrom getting press for your innovative work to reexamining yourself.Furthermore, you'll generally discover new voices in our pamphlets and Chromeexpansion.
For the press.
In case you're expounding on Kickstarter or covering aKickstarter project, head this approach to discover foundation material, presscontacts, and visual resources.