
How can you save your car from major repairs?
We all know how expensive car repairs become, but every car requires some repair at a certain point in time. Many a time, filthy mechanics do a wrong diagnosis or leave the car without repairs. Many mechanics follow one principle, ‘repair by replacement.’ This philosophy does resolve the problem but the repairs become much more expensive to the owner.
In case you are stuck with a substandard mechanic, he will do nothing but just replace the parts. He just assumes that the problem will go away but if the root cause of the problem is not worked on, the replaced part will need repairs soon. Now if you go to an experienced mechanic, he will take time to analyze the problem and find out the issues appropriately. He will try to do simple things and see if the problem is solved. He will try to find out the main cause of the problem and work on it before suggesting you any expensive replacements.
The information is fine, but how on earth a car owner will know whether major repairs are needed?
The first big step is to know a few things about your car and look for a reliable car mechanic in SE Calgary. When you know a reliable SE Calgary car mechanic, you can always trust him and keep the cost of repairs under control.
The following are some customer misdiagnoses, complaints, and some correct prognoses of a car. Check them out here.
Water leaks: Minor water leaks in the car are often misdiagnosed as exhaust leaks, and the cost of replacing the exhaust system is high. More often than not, accurate diagnoses are nothing but condensation. This is a regular occurrence and there is nothing to worry about.
Whirring noise from the car: You will hear this noise from your old tires that need replacement. Fraud mechanics can diagnose it as some major and expensive wheel bearing failure.
Overheating: A car overheats on more than one occasion and most of the time, overheating is manageable. This issue can be misdiagnosed as a blocked radiator or faulty water pump.
Knocking noises: Many cars make scary noises when they are going over bumps, the owner may be told that the shocks at the back need replacement but many a time, this is just some loose jack or something rattling in the trunk.
Slow gears during the car start: When the car is not starting at its regular pace, a lot of mechanics will simply charge the owner with a transmission replacement. This is not at all required. The same problem can be solved by checking the leak of transmission oil.
If you are looking for a reliable SE Calgary mechanic, talk to us.
Jaime Allred is the author of this website and writes articles for a long time. For further details about SE Calgary Car Mechanic and Car Mechanic in SE Calgary please visit the website.