Know the Facts about IVF by Becoming Embryologist
Know the Facts about IVF by Becoming Embryologist
To get success in their career as infertility specialist or ivf specialist, the doctors could have possibility of getting hands-on IVF training courses with the Medline Academics.

Know the Facts about IVF by Becoming Embryologist

Medline Academics is an ancillary of IIRRH India, is being initiated with the heartfelt and genuine intention to help out the young embryologists & gynecologists to receive the knowledge in different ART techniques i.e., Oocyte retrieval, Cryopreservation, Intra Uterine Insemination, embryology, ICSI, IVF insemination from the teacher of teacher. This academics offers a podium for the initiating and perfecting Assisted Reproductive medicine and embryology skills in you.

The Medline Academics (Advanced ART for clinicians and embryologists),  ART Course for Clinicians and embryologist would include extensive 18 days hands-on training sessions on embryology procedures, & Embryo Transfer Simulators.

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