
Four Ways to Make Your Christmas Celebrations Exciting
Christmas in Australia is a wonderful experience that will change the way you look at celebrations in general. When in one corner of the world, Christmas is celebrated during the winter season, Australia welcomes the same during summer. And that’s one of the stark differences I experienced in my first year in Sydney. I am a blogger/event manager in Sydney and I write about a wide range of things that go around in the city. The next big upcoming festival in the city is Christmas and I’ve been wondering about the stark differences I see how it is celebrated in the west and in the Land Down Under. This December, if you’re planning to spend a Christmas in Sydney, I have some wonderful ways to promise yourself and your loved ones a memorable season.
Get aboard a Christmas party cruises on Sydney Harbour
The spirit of Christmas is all about sharing and giving, rather than just one person toiling away in the kitchen to prepare a decent Christmas meal. In Sydney there are many venues that offer wonderful dining options. One of my favourite places is the Christmas party cruises in Sydney. These cruises offer a spectacular waterfront dining experience that stands a cut above the vast majority of Christmas venues in the city. You can also choose these cruises if you’re looking for a venue to host your office party. One of my best corporate Christmas party cruises in Sydney that I’d suggest you is a glass boat harbour cruise offering a premium dining experience. The premium cruise set against the iconic harbour backdrop featuring the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House, is sure to impress your guests without a doubt.
Decorate your home and office
When it comes to setting the tone for Christmas, decking up our homes is unavoidable. Christmas being my favourite time of the year, I’ve always had my eyes on the top season’s trends. From white tinsel Christmas trees to iconic ceramic ones, my Pinterest feed has been fuelling my anticipation and I can’t keep myself from sharing my ideas with you guys. One of the latest trends I came across was using pampas grass along with pine cones on Christmas trees. The grass comes in different shapes and sizes and is available on most online retail sites.
Environmentally responsible events
Ever thought of wrapping your gifts with fabric instead of glossy papers? That could be your first step to embracing an environmentally responsible Christmas celebration. Whether you’re planning on hosting a celebration at your house or in charge of organising an office Christmas party, then this is your chance to step-up your game and convey a valuable lesson of sustainability to the people around you. Switch up your traditional yet unsustainable ways of celebration with efficient ways to stay-on trend. And always keep in mind that staying on trend in the right sense also means contributing to a larger cause here.
Outdoor events
In Australia, the climate during the Christmas season favours outdoor events unlike the western countries. From the Martin Place Christmas tree and fairy lights to the Carols in the Domain, you will find twice as many outdoor Christmas events in Sydney compared to any other place in the country. Welcome your guests to visit one of these events in the city or host a small-scale yourself to spruce up the festive vibes. Whether it’s a floating venue on Sydney Harbour or a garden venue with lush green surrounds, Sydney offers a spectacular range of places that can’t go wrong.
Whether it’s an outdoor event or decorating your house to the trending Christmas themes, I hope you have an amazing Christmas celebration this year.