
Bukittinggi Tours
Bukittingi is a tourist destination that has a great demand by many people. West Sumatra is an idol, especially the Bukittinggi tourist area, it becomes the object most hunted by tourists from within and outside the country. Therefore, the growth of tourism in this area is a step ahead. That is why the demand of the paket wisata bukittinggi is placing the best grade at regional scale in Sumatra.
One of the tourist attractions in Bukittinggi that is never to be missed is the Anai Valley Waterfall where tourists usually stop to take pictures on the way from Minangkabau Airport to Bukittinggi. For this reason, it is highly recommended not to take an afternoon arrival in Padang so as not to miss the precious moment to take pictures at this waterfall.
Another Bukittinggi tourist attraction is called "Jam Gadang" which is located in the core of the city. In other terms, the hotels around the Jam Gadang are the same as the Malioboro area in Jogjakarta. The closer to Malioboro and the higher the hotel price. The paket tour bukittinggi will be meaningless without Jam Gadang. The location is very strategic because it is near the main market in Bukittinggi City. Some people said that you have not arrived in Bukittinggi until you visit Jam Gadang.
Tours in West Sumatra must be carefully prepared, starting from the objects to be visited to the choice of hotels to be occupied so that you do not get disappointed after arrival. It takes the accuracy of prospective tourists. Make sure that you are given a hotel that meets your expectations. You must make sure that the program of paket tour bukittinggi padang you choose have been covering all destinations you want.