Google's Featured Snippet is Losing Leverage – What Now?
Google's Featured Snippet is Losing Leverage – What Now?
Google calls this insert featured snippets ("featured extracts" in French) and displays it in position zero.

Many SEOs and website owners hope to achieve and sustain over time. Achieving such a goal usually requires a significant investment (content, links, etc.). The more competition there is on these terms, the harder it is to achieve that coveted top position in Google's SERPs (SERPs = Search Engine Results Pages). 


READ HERE: Indented Search Result and Its Impact on Your SEO Strategy


Google Position Zero


Maybe you noticed it. By searching on Google, you get an answer – in a box above the first position – directly in the search results. Google calls this insert featured snippets ("featured extracts" in French) and displays it in position zero. Position zero is materialized in Google's SERPs by a block containing an answer to the question asked in several forms: table, paragraph of text, ordered list, bulleted list, video, etc. This insert, therefore, contains the information displayed above the first natural position. In the case below, we find in position 0 the response (text paragraph type) to the request "Branféré tariffs." The presentation of this position differs from a natural link. Indeed, the text is placed above the title of the page and the URL. Here is an example of the site of the domain of Branféré, realized and optimized by our natural referencing agency.


The Different Types Of Featured Snippets


The four types of featured snippets are paragraphs, lists (numbered and bulleted), tables, and, finally, videos. Here are some examples of these formats. 


• Zero Position As A Paragraph


An insert with a title, part of the answer, and the address of the source. The zero position block in the form of a paragraph allows you to provide a clear and concise answer to the request entered by the Internet user.


• Zero Position Numbered List


Numbered list results usually appear for searches for steps to accomplish a specific task. The featured snippets ordered list can also appear for rankings or enumerations.


• Featured Snippets "Bullet List."


Bulleted list results are variations of numbered lists. Therefore, this structure is used to classify information, enumerate lists of products, etc. The featured snippets list with bullet points makes answering questions such as "which are the best…"


• Featured Snippet In Tabular Form


The zero position in the form of a table appears when you search for comparisons or prices. Google values through this featured snippets structured content with fees, tariffs, years, and other numerical data.


• Zero Position As A Video


Videos may also appear in featured snippets. These videos, extracted from YouTube, are offered for reading directly from the search page. This type of format is usually offered for particular search terms.


Writing / Optimizing Content For Position Zero?


Once you have your keyword list, you need to choose the right featured snippets for each question and optimize it. 


Tip 1: Offer unique content with high added value. This is even truer for hoping to position you in the featured snippets insert. Your page must also contain at least 950 words.


Tip 2: The chosen keyword must also appear in the header of your page with the answer to the question in a few words (40 to 55 words). Also, don't forget to place your expression in the title tag and the intertitles (h1, h2, h3, etc.).


For more information about the topic, you can contact JDM Web Technologies.