
Are you applying for orhave already won a soccer scholarship in USA? The leap from playing for a high school to being a college team playercan be significant. And it will be an even more exciting experience when youare moving to a different country for your university education.
Here are some things thatyou should be prepared for while moving from school to college as an athletestudent:
More of training and fitness camps
Playing for a collegewould mean extra hours of training and workouts, especially for students whohave been selected with sports scholarships in USA. You may need to visit the game field and hit the gymon every weekday before and/or after classes.
College athletes cannoteven to afford to lose their fitness in the offseason and coaches can testtheir ability at any time for an upcoming match. Your coach would also organisespecial fitness camps and schedule rigorous exercise routines, particularlybefore tournaments.
Athletes travel to distant places for competitions
In their senior secondaryor high school days, students visit different campuses or tournament groundsthat are usually within a few miles of each other. Travelling does not takemuch time and can be done by a bus or with a small fleet of cars.
On the other hand, onceyou start playing for a college, many of your tournaments will be organisedbeyond the state boundaries and travel times could be as long as 6 to 10 hours.You may also miss some of your classes and spend weekends away from the collegecampus. It can be exhausting to spend long hours in a bus or train.
Your college team becomes your family
While it is always nice tomake new friends while playing for your high school, college sports can taketeam bonding to a new level. As a soccer player you will spend more than halfof your day with your teammates. You will get to live in the same dormitory,eat with them, sit in the study halls collectively and exercise in the gymtogether.
You can also plan someholidays and spring breaks within the United States with your soccer team pals.They become much more than your friends—they’re your family and your supportsystem when you stay away from your home country for such a long period. Yourteammates make college feel like a home away from home.
You will have free access to sports kit
When you win the soccer scholarshipopportunities in America, you also get some additional perks that give you aspecial identity on the college campus. It comes with the branded team jackets,sweatpants and sneakers that you can wear to your classes. Sports teams in UScolleges are typically sponsored by sportswear and kit manufacturing companies.It implies free access to outfits, shoes and other accessories.
You will have to follow hundreds of NCAA rules
As a college athlete atthe D1, D2 or D3 level, you will have to be aware of the NCAA’s multitude ofstrict rules and regulations. Thesestart with the registration at NCAA Eligibility Centre.
You must be available atall times if you’re needed for an NCAA-sanctioned drug test—even if it happenson weekends or during your vacation. If you fail to turn up (and do not evenprovide a valid reason for your absence), there is a risk of getting chargedwith a positive test.
Besides the rule againstunderage alcohol consumption, regulations also bar athletes from consumingenergy drinks or caffeine before their games.
As you mature from thehigh school to college stage while actively participating in sports, be readyfor a new world that is thrilling, rewarding but also expects you to handleyour responsibilities in more proficient ways.
Future Pro USAis a UK based recruitment agency helping British students win sportsscholarships in America. If you have the skills to excel in college sports andwant to fund your education in a prestigious American university, apply for anassessment test. To send your details, visit