
Soccer isone of the most popular sports in the world, with many students every yearvying to win sports scholarships in USA.These scholarships help in either partly or fully covering their college expenses. However, soccer scholarship opportunities in USA only come to the best of athletes who have demonstratedexceptional dedication and motivation towards their sport.
Besidesputting their hearty efforts into the game, there are several other steps thata student can take in order to set himself/ herself apart from the rest of thecrowd.
Here are someof the handy tips:
- Start as early as possible: For successfully obtaining USA sports scholarships, one needs tostart early in preparation so as to have an advantage over other competitorsgunning for the same spot. Recruiters always have their eyes on students whohave been playing regularly for a few years .Therefore, it is important thatyou get on your high school’s team as early as possible when you’ve reachedhigh school.
- Develop a relationship with thecoaches: Lettingyour current soccer coach know early on about your goal to win a soccer scholarship in USA is always agood idea. Be transparent and honest about your dreams because that will allowyour coach to understand you better and he or she will be able to provide amore dynamic approach towards your individual strengths and weaknesses. Also,the school coach can serve as a very vital bridge between you and future,potential college coaches.
- Connect with college coaches: After choosing a few potentialcolleges that you might be interested in applying to, it is time for you toreach out to the coaches. Do not hesitate to send your resume along with avideo of you playing soccer. Make sure to include detailed statistics of yourprevious games. Once you’ve reached out to them, it is also your responsibilityto follow up on your application.
- Meet academic requirements: While applying for a sportsscholarship, it is but natural for a student to focus heavily on their sport.However, it should be equally important that the student focuses on academicstoo because failing to meet academic requirements can have significantly graveconsequences. Always make sure that you’re meeting the specific requirements ofyour chosen school with GPA and test scores. Letters of recommendation andpersonal statements from teachers/ coaches is always an added plus. Recruitersalways look for well rounded candidates and that’s where studies become asimportant as the sport itself.
- Focus on the sport: Last but not the least, if you’relooking to apply for a soccerscholarship in America, do not let your focus shift from the chosen sport. Giveup on other sports if you’re playing them as well because those will very welldrain your energy and drift your attention away from soccer. Try and join aprivate club during the off season or engage in some sort of a physicalactivity if staying in shape is your worry.
Sports scholarships are a great wayto reduce college tuition fee and it gives any student an edge over theircounterparts; not to mention sports are always the best way to inculcate habitsof competitiveness, team building and endurance which are all versatile traitsfor any student to retain in the long run.
Author Bio:Future Pro USA is a UK based agency helping British students win sportsscholarships in America. If you have the skills to excel and sports and want tofund your education in a prestigious American university, apply for anassessment test. To send your details, visit