
The universities inAmerica get students from different parts of the world. In addition to avariety of courses available, it is also the athletic grants offered by thecolleges that make them attractive centres for higher education.
While students from the UK– one of the top countries from where admissions in American colleges aresought – apply for all kinds of sports scholarships in USA, soccer is a popular game that gets huge attention. Highschool graduates from Britain and other parts of the United Kingdom have beenincreasingly applying for soccer scholarships that can cover up anywherebetween 10% and 100% of their education expenses in the US.
How much of funding can you normally expect?
Your bursary amountdepends upon several factors the chief of which are your individual game skillsand your academic performance. In addition, all coaches have an assigned budgetfor the particular year.
With the support of anexperienced recruitment agency, you can make the most of soccer scholarship opportunities in USA. It can help you find you acollege that offers the course of your choice and values your athleticcapabilities.
By participating in theassessments conducted by the agency and proving your skills to the coachesearly for a season, you can get at least 50% of your costs covered by thegrant.
Most partial scholarships alsocome with an incentive that if you perform well consistently, both in athleticsand academics, then the coach may increase your scholarship amount later in thesame session / semester.
In which season are soccer matches organised in the US?
Soccer is an autumn (fall)sport in the US and therefore most of the tournaments happen between Septemberand November. It also depends upon how your team has progressed throughdifferent stages of a state / national level tournament.
Pre-season practices areorganised in August and students get a month long Christmas break after thefall semester. When the colleges reopen after holidays, you may have someoff-season matches or training sessions before summer.
Also remember that eventhough you get busy in multiple soccer games and practices, your college willexpect you to stay in sync with your course, attend the required number ofclasses and maintain good grades.
How to get noticed by the coaches andknow more about soccer scholarship opportunities in America?
Getting college coaches towatch you perform is not easy, especially if you are an overseas student. Withsmall recruiting budgets, not all colleges can send their coaches to watch thegames organised by schools in other countries.
That’s where recruitmentagency comes to your rescue. They personally invite sports authorities fromdifferent institutions to watch live games and assessments. When this is notpossible, a recruitment agency may leverage technology to telecast a match forthe coaches to watch. The team at your recruitment agency will also help you toget connected with a coach who displays interest in your candidature. You canthen share videos of games and other records that prove your skills andabilities.
Final word
Playing for your collegeand that too in a country that is not your homeland, is a matter of pride. Andby grabbing soccer scholarship opportunities in America, can carve a uniqueidentity in this field. If studying abroad is on your mind and you love toparticipate in sports, apply for your scholarship today through a recruitmentagency.
AuthorBio: Founded in 2011, Future Pro USA is a UK based organisation that helpsyoung students achieve athletic and academic success in the United States. Itfocuses on finding the best scholarships for them enabling them to participatein their chosen sports while getting a university degree. To know more aboutFuture Pro USA visit