
Migrations to the cloud are the movement of an enterprise's IT infrastructure, including data, services, applications and their settings, to the capacity of a virtual data center (DPC). The owner of the data center, or data center, is a third-party company - a cloud provider.
Migration of enterprise information systems to the cloud is a global and all-Russian trend. Business gradually, completely or partially refuses to store important data on its own equipment and transfers it to cloud providers. The world's largest virtual platforms belong to IT giants: Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Huawei. These companies guarantee customers a high level of reliability and stability of storage of unlimited amounts of data with the ability to scale resources.
Two migration options
There are two main ways to migrate data and services to a cloud provider.
1) Full migration
Here, the entire IT infrastructure is transferred to the cloud provider: data, applications, their settings. The client retains terminal clients through which employees of the central and remote offices gain access to services;
2) Partial migration
A hybrid model, when part of information systems and resources is transferred to the cloud, and the rest of the data, for security reasons, in accordance with legal requirements, or for other reasons, remains on the company's computing power. Partial migration is often chosen by businesses to assess the capabilities of cloud providers and “try on” a new model for working with data.
Partial migration is also understood as the gradual transfer of individual elements of the IT infrastructure to a virtual platform. This model is suitable for companies with a geographically distributed structure (a large number of remote offices). In this case, a detailed migration roadmap is drawn up and services are transferred sequentially so as not to stop the execution of business processes in the organization. This is the so-called "seamless migration", which is possible due to clear planning and consistent implementation of predetermined steps.
Three key points of cloud migration
1) Flexible business scaling
Migration to the cloud is always about development. A business that grows and needs more resources needs an environment where those resources are available on demand and as quickly as possible.
2) Meeting customer expectations
Moving to the cloud should not become an end in itself for the leaders of the company or its IT department. The real expectations and needs of customers come to the fore. Why services in the cloud are more profitable for them, how will they be able to use new benefits, will they face new problems? These questions should be answered before deciding to migrate.
3) Maintain business continuity
The manager must understand how critical the downtime of business processes will be, how much it will cost the company, how to prevent it or minimize risks. There are tools for this in the cloud, plus their number is increasing.
Benefits of Migration
Many companies are well aware of its advantages. Here are the main ones:
Simple and efficient use of resources.
They are allocated on demand, exactly in the amount that is needed at the current stage.
Transparent billing of services
The organization pays only for the resources actually used: computing, network, storage. She can plan costs based on business growth.
Minimum time to maintain IT infrastructure
If earlier a large staff of technical specialists was required, now the same amount of tasks is performed by 1-2 employees.
Technical support 24/7
Cloud providers solve customer problems in real time. At the same time, you can count on the highly qualified assistance of highly specialized engineers.
Easy migration between providers
At any time, you can break agreements and transfer data and applications to competitors if they offer more benefits.
Service mobility
In the cloud, data and services are available from anywhere in the world for both the company and its customers. This eliminates complex organizational measures when changing the physical address.
Reducing the risk of service downtime
Cloud providers are interested in ensuring that client resources work without failures and stops. To do this, they invest resources (money and expertise) in creating a reliable infrastructure, qualified engineers, make backups, provide the data center with backup power supplies.
If you need help with migrating to the cloud, feel free to contact