Is Your Car Frequently Overheating? Here is How to Fix It
Is Your Car Frequently Overheating? Here is How to Fix It
Service My Car is a blog about how to fix your car when it overheating. We have covered this topic in more detail in this post, which you can read here.

7 Safe and Easy Techniques to Fix Your Car Overheating

Defective Thermostat
Malfunctioning Radiator
Terrible Water Pump
Low Engine Oil

However, your car goes for a car oil change during the routine car service. In case, the engine oil has gone low, you should come to a service centre as soon as possible so that you can avoid the expensive car engine repair.

Low Level or Wrong Coolant
Faulty Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor


While a car wash near me might let you keep ahead of these issue. But, if you take timely action, you may avoid loses. Just call us or book a service online.