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joined at 4 years ago

    Top Indian former leader in Uttar Pradesh: Pt Shekhar D...

    Pt Shekhar is a well know politician who work for kisan and always stand fo...

    • ptshekhardixit

    Top Indian former leader in Uttar Pradesh

    Pt Shekhar Dixit is one of the top indian former leader who always help poo...

    • ptshekhardixit

    Brahmin leader Uttar Pradesh: Pt Shekhar Dixit

    Pt Shekhar Dixit is a popular Brahmin Leader in Uttar Pradesh. Always stand...

    • ptshekhardixit

    Kisan Neta Uttar Pradesh : Pt Shekhar Dixit

    Pt Shekhar Dixit is a kisan Neta in Uttar Pradesh, He start his journey a...

    • ptshekhardixit

    Youth Leader in Uttar Pradesh - Pt Shekhar Dixit

    Pt.Shekhar Dixit is a Youth Leader in Uttar Pradesh, he is known as Kisan S...

    • ptshekhardixit