Name Mia Reay
Gender Female
Location Melburne, Australia
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I am Mia Reay, A project coordinator at 365 Cleaners, the best House cleaning service provider in Chelsea, Melbourne. I like to write & share innovative ideas related to cleaning services. I have 10 years of experience in this company. The company also provides a house cleaning service. Sketching is not a hobby it's a passion for me. Getting a break from my cleaning business necessarily means I am sketching for my inner peace. For more information visit the 365Cleaners website.

joined at 3 years ago

    Carpet Cleaning Berwick

    365 Cleaners is the Best Carpet Cleaning Services company in Berwick, Melb...

    • Mia Reay

    End of Lease Cleaning Melbourne -365 Cleaners

    365 Cleaners is the Best End of lease cleaning service provider in Melbour...

    • Mia Reay

    House cleaning Chelsea

    365 Cleaners is the best House cleaning service provider in Chelsea, Melbou...

    • Mia Reay