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Get your smart contracts audited and certified by leading smart contract security experts. Our smart contract audit services cover functionality, vulnerabilities, and gas efficiency. Talk to a consultant now to get started.

joined at 2 years ago

    Benefits of a smart contract audit process

    The following are some advantages of using an additional smart contract aud...

    • cyphershield2022

    Audit finds critical vulnerabilities in SafeMoon, BRL 1...

    According to a code audit by SafeMoon, a DeFi project, 12 vulnerabilities p...

    • cyphershield2022

    Decentralized software audit using Ethereum and Smart C...

    Through the rise of various Ethereum-based tokens and smart contracts, ther...

    • cyphershield2022

    Process of a Smart Contract Audit

    A smart contract audit follows a very standard procedure and can differ sig...

    • cyphershield2022

    Why You Need a Security Audit of Smart Contracts

    You may find possible security flaws in your system by using smart contract...

    • cyphershield2022

    Tron Smart Contract Audit

    TRON has already announced itself to be the significant distributed platfor...

    • cyphershield2022

    Why Audit Your Smart Contract?

    Smart contracts are important for many reasons. They assist you in streamli...

    • cyphershield2022

    Everything You Should Know About Smart Contract Auditin...

    A smart contract audit is a process of evaluating a smart contract for secu...

    • cyphershield2022

    Smart Contract Security Audit in Detail

    The smart contract security audit can conduct a detailed analysis of the sm...

    • cyphershield2022

    Everything You Need to Know About Ethereum Smart Contra...

    A smart contract is a virtual computer program that executes automatically...

    • cyphershield2022

    Smart Contract Audit Process and Audit Content

    The current blockchain technology and applications are still in the initial...

    • cyphershield2022

    Smart contracts on Ethereum: how to check their level o...

    The Ethereum blockchain was able to take part in The DAO project initiative...

    • cyphershield2022

    Known or standard vulnerabilities of smart contracts

    Just like normal code auditing, the security of a smart contract is directl...

    • cyphershield2022

    What is Smart Contract Review?

    Automated security audit Manual security audit Business logic audit based o...

    • cyphershield2022

    What is smart contract auditing in cryptocurrencies? Ho...

    Blockchain applications use smart contract auditing services to interact wi...

    • cyphershield2022