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joined at 4 years ago

    How to respond to the Digital Demand

    Survival - “What can we do today?” “Which small changes can improve engagem...

    • creativefactor

    How to respond to the Digital Demand created by COVID-1...

    Survival - “What can we do today?” “Which small changes can improve engage...

    • creativefactor

    What is the brand? How does it work

    There are brands, and we call them cult brands, the followers of the brand...

    • creativefactor

    What are some post-coronavirus business trends, shifts,...

    With the gap created by the setback in China, "India will now be looked upo...

    • creativefactor

    How marketing budgets and strategie are being impacted...

    To give our brand every advantage within the competitive arena, we must ?r...

    • creativefactor

    How marketing budgets and strategies are being impacted...

    To give our brand every advantage within the competitive arena, we must ?r...

    • creativefactor


    There are organisations in various stages of their existence. Following are...

    • creativefactor

    Creative Factor specializes in five specific areas

    Brand Development: A brand is not a logo. A brand is much more than a desig...

    • creativefactor

    Creative Factor specializes in five specific areas, whi...

    Brand Development: A brand is not a logo. A brand is much more than a desig...

    • creativefactor

    Brand Business Management

    A logo is not your brand, because a logo can only help differentiate betwee...

    • creativefactor

    What will the future workplace look like in 5 years?

    The expectation of people working in companies has changed, from the era of...

    • creativefactor

    Event Management – Beyond the Basics

    We work with our clients from ground zero

    • creativefactor

    Account Based Marketing Agency

    Account-based marketing is an alternative B2B strategy that concentrates sa...

    • creativefactor

    Creative Factor - Account Based Marketing Agency

    Due to lack of sales and marketing alignment and a wide spread focus, reven...

    • creativefactor