Name Avinash Jain
Gender Male
Location Mumbai , India.
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Hey, I am a corporate paralegal. If you are looking for any trademark services from trademark conceptualization all the way to registration and protection, we endeavor to secure our clients’ brands with full attention to detail in the most cost-effective manner possible. To Know more about our website :

joined at 2 years ago

    Role of a Trademark Lawyer Mumbai In Trademark Prosecut...

    Role of a Trademark Lawyer Mumbai

    • Avinash Jain

    5 Things to Avoid While Trademark Prosecution in India

    Protecting your intellectual property and having a trademark gives you seve...

    • Avinash Jain

    Infringement of Trademark: An Overview

    The Trademark Act of 1999 aims to grant the brand owner an exclusive right...

    • Avinash Jain

    What is the procedure for filing infringement of tradem...

    There are some ways you can file for trademark infringement for any unautho...

    • Avinash Jain